SOA at Youtube
Game Trailers at Youtube
A game I picked up in a Walmart bargain bin, Soldiers of Anarchy/ SOA, a game I found fun.
It was, I guess one would say, "buggy," but I liked the music and the backgrounds, I like post-apocalyptic stuff, too.
I really liked being able to select different characters, each of whom could be given more training, different weapons, and gain experience, and then being able to select the characters I wanted to go out on a mission.
Not only that, but being able to choose vehicles AND outfit them for missions was huge fun. Not to mention having to actually repair the vehicles after a mission, or re-arm them.
And having to trade for different munitions and vehicles added to some fun.
Actual story line and game play aside, this game really captured my imagination as to how I might like a GIJOE video game.
I suppose just a few years later, I wouldn't mind this still.
I like xbox Mercenaries quite a bit, too, but I think I would like to have more characters to control. With Mercenaries as inspiration, I could easily imagine running and gunning, and driving, through a GIJOE world.
I think I would like to try something closer to S.O.A., I think my speed would be the slowest thing, though; I can only do so many things before the game action starts to feel slow.
Still, just browsing these uploads makes me want to put some Stingers, STUNS, and FANGs in there and load them up with VIPERS.
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About HQ icebreaker

- icebreaker
- This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.
Cobra '91 /09
1991 has some nice stuff. I remember getting the BAT from the store back in the day, and that thing was always in action, it joined two BAT I's.
The Talking Battle Commander Cobra Commander was a Christmas present, this was my first "hooded" Cobra Commander. A "hooded" Cobra Commander is a necessary thing, previously I was using a second hand battered '87 battle armored CC.
Also, the Talking Battle Commander Overkill was a Christmas gift at the same time. This was pretty cool, a super BAT so advanced. I thought it was pretty cool, except for those sound packs on the back. (that was a poor idea, and I don't give low opinions on a lot of stuff) It took me awhile to take the packs of these guys, everything really got taken pretty good care of and taking things apart was contrary to my M.O.
Eco-Warriors were out this year, I bought these on clearance at the Childrens Palace in Duluth, probably in 1993 or 1994, when that store closed. They were the bulk of what was left of that stores stock by the time I got up to that store. Sludge Viper hasn't been that interesting to me, maybe the colors are the detractor, but the Toxo-Vipers I feel are a perfect complement to the '88 Toxo Vipers. I may do a squad build on these guys at some point, they have a nice blue and green overall.
Now the battle helmet Cobra Commander here got some use, I think I bought this one myself. I still totally dig his gun, and the overall style is not too far out there, I think the arms kind of killed the fun on this guy for me. Yeah, a lot like that '91 Duke, the arms won't get close enough to the body...something in the shoulder/ torso design. Hard to fit guys like this in older vehicles.

That brings me to the rest of the figures that I've picked up in more recent years. The Snow Serpent and Desert Scorpion are a couple awesome figures I always wanted. I would like to squad build these quite a bit. The Snow Serpent in this fashion is a little more light infantry to its older '85 regular infantry counter part, and I like that. Desert Scorpions are pretty cool, and there's no other desert trooper in the classic sense. And the naming is nice so that it's not all "x" viper this or what not. Sort of how an Eel could have been simply a Diver Trooper, or something.
Interrogator is a major "modern" player in the CobraVerse here, serving as a sort of mysterious henchman that does the Commanders bidding. A sort of quiet character that has a presence that terrifies the Cobra forces. I'll have to expand on this guy at some point.
Night Vulture is a trooper, but, aside from the orange detail, really says commando to me. And instead of building a squad of glider troopers, this figure has become an individual character. A commando for Cobra, as Firefly can't be trusted here, Night Vulture has taken his place.
The Talking Battle Commander Cobra Commander was a Christmas present, this was my first "hooded" Cobra Commander. A "hooded" Cobra Commander is a necessary thing, previously I was using a second hand battered '87 battle armored CC.
Also, the Talking Battle Commander Overkill was a Christmas gift at the same time. This was pretty cool, a super BAT so advanced. I thought it was pretty cool, except for those sound packs on the back. (that was a poor idea, and I don't give low opinions on a lot of stuff) It took me awhile to take the packs of these guys, everything really got taken pretty good care of and taking things apart was contrary to my M.O.
Eco-Warriors were out this year, I bought these on clearance at the Childrens Palace in Duluth, probably in 1993 or 1994, when that store closed. They were the bulk of what was left of that stores stock by the time I got up to that store. Sludge Viper hasn't been that interesting to me, maybe the colors are the detractor, but the Toxo-Vipers I feel are a perfect complement to the '88 Toxo Vipers. I may do a squad build on these guys at some point, they have a nice blue and green overall.
Now the battle helmet Cobra Commander here got some use, I think I bought this one myself. I still totally dig his gun, and the overall style is not too far out there, I think the arms kind of killed the fun on this guy for me. Yeah, a lot like that '91 Duke, the arms won't get close enough to the body...something in the shoulder/ torso design. Hard to fit guys like this in older vehicles.

That brings me to the rest of the figures that I've picked up in more recent years. The Snow Serpent and Desert Scorpion are a couple awesome figures I always wanted. I would like to squad build these quite a bit. The Snow Serpent in this fashion is a little more light infantry to its older '85 regular infantry counter part, and I like that. Desert Scorpions are pretty cool, and there's no other desert trooper in the classic sense. And the naming is nice so that it's not all "x" viper this or what not. Sort of how an Eel could have been simply a Diver Trooper, or something.
Interrogator is a major "modern" player in the CobraVerse here, serving as a sort of mysterious henchman that does the Commanders bidding. A sort of quiet character that has a presence that terrifies the Cobra forces. I'll have to expand on this guy at some point.
Night Vulture is a trooper, but, aside from the orange detail, really says commando to me. And instead of building a squad of glider troopers, this figure has become an individual character. A commando for Cobra, as Firefly can't be trusted here, Night Vulture has taken his place.
Technically, it's Agent Helix, but I don't care for the "agent" addition to the names. Is it due to some proprietary naming rights infringement potential problems? I don't know. If it's not lawfully required, why use it, though? At least without explanation?
As for Helix, being a new character/ figure, looking cool, and being a female, I had to add this one to my classic-oriented figure collection. I actually went out of my way to shop for this figure, which is something I haven't done since those ARAH-style army builder packs and OCS sets were available at retail. I didn't have to look too hard for Helix, unlike those army builders, for goodness sake. Anyway, Helix looked very interesting, and indeed, is a pretty cool figure. But beyond the superficial, I haven't really felt any character from the figure. That could be from the poorly limited file card biography, but that's been the modern GIJOE product for a couple years.
Giving more thought to the possible background of the character gives a great insight to that figure. Think about how Low-light was afraid of the dark as a child, or a guy with a passion for gourmet food becomes a machine gunner. Someone could have just said, these guys are big, bad, and the best, and leave it at that. Personality goes a long way. (this makes me think of the movie Pulp Fiction, with the chat about the pig Arnold on Green Acres.)
So, with Helix, we automatically don't get much biography personality. We get an expert marksman with advanced martial arts training that has a special finishing move. (Sounds like a video game..heh.) Now, does the video game or one-shot comic add anything to this? Helix has a total mental picture and can calculate everything going on in a situation?
That's where Helix has been stuck in my little JoeVerse corner. There's been some good discussions and inputs as to other peoples uses. I'm thinking something along these lines now, which could change, but here's my addition to a file card for Helix.
"Often bullied and picked on at school, Helix turned into a loner. Labeled as a "difficult child," Helix's upper class parents sought out many therapists, psychologists, and many other medical professionals for "solutions" to their perceived problem child; even going so far as to undertake questionable off-shore experimental medical gene "treatments." Her upper class parents also forced every trendy extra-curricular activity and high-priced private lesson possible on her. It wasn't until a martial arts course where Helix found a natural talent and an outlet for her overt lifestyle of too much input and forced conformity.
Martial arts helped Helix find an inner calm and sort out priorities, as well as give her self-confidence and the ability to fend for herself. With her new found inner focus, she was able to re-focus much of her former yuppie activities to her advantage; particularly displaying levels of Olympic-class gymnastics and marksmanship. Her training reached new levels upon joining former GIJOE team members at a private martial arts studio in California."
As for Helix, being a new character/ figure, looking cool, and being a female, I had to add this one to my classic-oriented figure collection. I actually went out of my way to shop for this figure, which is something I haven't done since those ARAH-style army builder packs and OCS sets were available at retail. I didn't have to look too hard for Helix, unlike those army builders, for goodness sake. Anyway, Helix looked very interesting, and indeed, is a pretty cool figure. But beyond the superficial, I haven't really felt any character from the figure. That could be from the poorly limited file card biography, but that's been the modern GIJOE product for a couple years.
Giving more thought to the possible background of the character gives a great insight to that figure. Think about how Low-light was afraid of the dark as a child, or a guy with a passion for gourmet food becomes a machine gunner. Someone could have just said, these guys are big, bad, and the best, and leave it at that. Personality goes a long way. (this makes me think of the movie Pulp Fiction, with the chat about the pig Arnold on Green Acres.)
So, with Helix, we automatically don't get much biography personality. We get an expert marksman with advanced martial arts training that has a special finishing move. (Sounds like a video game..heh.) Now, does the video game or one-shot comic add anything to this? Helix has a total mental picture and can calculate everything going on in a situation?
That's where Helix has been stuck in my little JoeVerse corner. There's been some good discussions and inputs as to other peoples uses. I'm thinking something along these lines now, which could change, but here's my addition to a file card for Helix.
"Often bullied and picked on at school, Helix turned into a loner. Labeled as a "difficult child," Helix's upper class parents sought out many therapists, psychologists, and many other medical professionals for "solutions" to their perceived problem child; even going so far as to undertake questionable off-shore experimental medical gene "treatments." Her upper class parents also forced every trendy extra-curricular activity and high-priced private lesson possible on her. It wasn't until a martial arts course where Helix found a natural talent and an outlet for her overt lifestyle of too much input and forced conformity.
Martial arts helped Helix find an inner calm and sort out priorities, as well as give her self-confidence and the ability to fend for herself. With her new found inner focus, she was able to re-focus much of her former yuppie activities to her advantage; particularly displaying levels of Olympic-class gymnastics and marksmanship. Her training reached new levels upon joining former GIJOE team members at a private martial arts studio in California."
1987 Cobra
1987, a named Cobra operatives with wild costumes and THREE army builders with removable helmets.

I have to follow up 1987's GIJOE team with the 1987 Cobra group.
I must say there is a lot of purple. And brown. The only guy in the mix that really blends with say, a 1986 Viper, is Big Boa. But that's just me. And it's still all good, but when thinking about how I always wanted a Cobra "blue" army... well, was there really that much "blue" to choose from? Battle armor Cobra Commander isn't here, either, I have a 2000 release of that figure, though.
I included the "sub-group" figure of Nemesis Enforcer in this picture (taken in 2009). That's the only "sub-group" figure I have for Cobra, and the figure doesn't do the GIJOE cartoon movie's Nemesis Enforcer justice. This is a figure I would like to get the 25th anniversary version of. A taller and more disproportionate (to the old-style toys) would make this character stand out. As is, he kind of feels like Serpentor's butler hanging in the background up there.
Of everybody else up there, I would say it's a toss up between Croc Master and the Techno-vipers for any use of Cobra's from 1987, or re-appearances, or discussions online. The Techno-vipers are pretty decent army builders and have a nice selection of wild accessories. These guys have become the techie-troopers of Cobra in some ways and seem to have a good acceptance by fans, myself included.
Croc Master reappeared, and that's why I think he comes to close to rivaling the Techno-vipers in popularity. The 1987 style mold isn't bad, it's a tough looking figure, he even made comic appearances. The 2005 Croc Master made it sound like their was a rivalry to be the number one Croc Master among many...something I didn't by into.
1987 had a good number of single named Cobras, but they don't really get much attention. They are fairly out-there characters. But I think they all have potential. Big Boa is the guy I think has the most potential. It's like Dress Blues Gung-ho (forgot about him...), this is Big Boa in training mode only. Look at the difference in Sgt. Slaughter from 1985's drill wrestler to the combat marine in 1988; much more useful. I have an earlier post elaborating on Big Boa and also on Raptor. Raptor, well, I'll say this figure is one that really needs an update.
Crystal Ball is near the bottom in most respects, too, all around. After playing the Command and Conquer Red Alert II/ Yuri's revenge, the character of Crystal Ball came alive inspired by that games's Yuri character. Yuri is a very bizarre guy, but mind controlling battlefield units or hypnotizing an opponent over the phone are some crazy feats. So, I've injected some of that games character into how I view Crystal Ball, but Crystal Ball is another guy that could use an update to reflect this more sinister angle of mind control/ hypnotism. I'm surprised that with the Zombie craze that Crystal Ball didn't pop up in at least a comic somewhere, experimenting with some black magic crazy powder from Haiti (see movie: "Serpent and the Rainbow"). Either way, as is, a fairly weak figure with a hologram shield = not very exciting.
I've mentioned the Techno-vipers, now for the rest of the new Viper-corps recruits in 1987.
In my collection, one can see the Sea Slugs taking up most of the back row. I'm still surprised I have this many of these guys myself. These were actually close to my most numerous army builder Vipers for years. Originally I had one Sea Ray, but the tabs that joined the two sections together snapped, now it became two vehicles permanently. And the canopy's hinges snapped so this is a vehicle that disappeared from my collection. And it seems a good buddy's Sea ray went the same way, but I inherited his Sea Slug figure. Past that, I have to do some personal research, but I really can't remember how I acquired the rest. Without the Sea Ray, these guys became deckhands on one of the Hydrofoils that I've had, or the Cobra Piranha operator. With one pistol and mostly a shade of red-purple, these guys only really had big biceps going for them. While I haven't been a huge fan of them, they really have something that appeals to me in hand that I can't explain. They are up-trained Eels, too... I think I used that info and battle-pack accessories to make them more diver-like to take on '86 Wet Suit back in the day....
I have found Gyro Vipers very useful for manning my Cobra FANG and Fang II's. I had one MAMBA for awhile, but the rotors were somewhat flimsy feeling and it had a snapped elevator, and it was big. With the open cockpit Fangs, these guys seem a natural fit and fairly well-suited for that open-air operation. I like the removable helmets quite a bit and their tan suits are fairly color neutral so it doesn't become an issue.
Of removable helmets, the Ice Vipers have this, too, and I think it is more interesting than their two ice picks. I guess this is a army builder that could be pretty close to being popular next to the Techno-vipers, but the Snow Serpent seems to reign more favored in snow-collections. A very environment specific Viper, much like snow Joes, only really fits in so many imaginative play-battle scenarios, where cool as they and Wolf vehicles are, kind of all end up sitting on a shelf more often than not. Still a nice figure, but with out my Wolf's, they have to go on foot for the time being and without any snow-shoes or skis they don't seem as action-oriented as either of the Snow Serpent versions.
That's leave's the WORMS. I had one very nice MAGGOT for a short time, I don't think I even got it in a picture, and one very nice WORMS (the one with the antenna in picture). I just didn't feel the need for a big artillery piece and another color scheme (light blue and yellow) to add to my non-uniform Cobra army. The WORMS was pretty cool, I thought he would be good to go with my HISS tanks, as they only had one Track Viper. With vehicles sold for cash, I bought two more WORMS with some of it, but I've been mostly on the fence with whether or not they look more higher ranking, more officer-looking than simply tank crew members. I very much like the removable helmets, a very tank-feeling feature on them, but, perhaps I can use them as the commander of a two-man tank? Do I need a commander in a two-man tank? So, where I thought I would get much more use out of these guys, it just hasn't happened..., yet.
1987 as a stand-alone Cobra year? It really seems like a specialty-heavy group to me, nothing that says huge force of something. IN many respects, this was almost more a vehicle year for Cobra with 4 Viper-corps "drivers."
Think Cobra had the upper hand over the Joes in 1987?

I have to follow up 1987's GIJOE team with the 1987 Cobra group.
I must say there is a lot of purple. And brown. The only guy in the mix that really blends with say, a 1986 Viper, is Big Boa. But that's just me. And it's still all good, but when thinking about how I always wanted a Cobra "blue" army... well, was there really that much "blue" to choose from? Battle armor Cobra Commander isn't here, either, I have a 2000 release of that figure, though.
I included the "sub-group" figure of Nemesis Enforcer in this picture (taken in 2009). That's the only "sub-group" figure I have for Cobra, and the figure doesn't do the GIJOE cartoon movie's Nemesis Enforcer justice. This is a figure I would like to get the 25th anniversary version of. A taller and more disproportionate (to the old-style toys) would make this character stand out. As is, he kind of feels like Serpentor's butler hanging in the background up there.
Of everybody else up there, I would say it's a toss up between Croc Master and the Techno-vipers for any use of Cobra's from 1987, or re-appearances, or discussions online. The Techno-vipers are pretty decent army builders and have a nice selection of wild accessories. These guys have become the techie-troopers of Cobra in some ways and seem to have a good acceptance by fans, myself included.
Croc Master reappeared, and that's why I think he comes to close to rivaling the Techno-vipers in popularity. The 1987 style mold isn't bad, it's a tough looking figure, he even made comic appearances. The 2005 Croc Master made it sound like their was a rivalry to be the number one Croc Master among many...something I didn't by into.
1987 had a good number of single named Cobras, but they don't really get much attention. They are fairly out-there characters. But I think they all have potential. Big Boa is the guy I think has the most potential. It's like Dress Blues Gung-ho (forgot about him...), this is Big Boa in training mode only. Look at the difference in Sgt. Slaughter from 1985's drill wrestler to the combat marine in 1988; much more useful. I have an earlier post elaborating on Big Boa and also on Raptor. Raptor, well, I'll say this figure is one that really needs an update.
Crystal Ball is near the bottom in most respects, too, all around. After playing the Command and Conquer Red Alert II/ Yuri's revenge, the character of Crystal Ball came alive inspired by that games's Yuri character. Yuri is a very bizarre guy, but mind controlling battlefield units or hypnotizing an opponent over the phone are some crazy feats. So, I've injected some of that games character into how I view Crystal Ball, but Crystal Ball is another guy that could use an update to reflect this more sinister angle of mind control/ hypnotism. I'm surprised that with the Zombie craze that Crystal Ball didn't pop up in at least a comic somewhere, experimenting with some black magic crazy powder from Haiti (see movie: "Serpent and the Rainbow"). Either way, as is, a fairly weak figure with a hologram shield = not very exciting.
I've mentioned the Techno-vipers, now for the rest of the new Viper-corps recruits in 1987.
In my collection, one can see the Sea Slugs taking up most of the back row. I'm still surprised I have this many of these guys myself. These were actually close to my most numerous army builder Vipers for years. Originally I had one Sea Ray, but the tabs that joined the two sections together snapped, now it became two vehicles permanently. And the canopy's hinges snapped so this is a vehicle that disappeared from my collection. And it seems a good buddy's Sea ray went the same way, but I inherited his Sea Slug figure. Past that, I have to do some personal research, but I really can't remember how I acquired the rest. Without the Sea Ray, these guys became deckhands on one of the Hydrofoils that I've had, or the Cobra Piranha operator. With one pistol and mostly a shade of red-purple, these guys only really had big biceps going for them. While I haven't been a huge fan of them, they really have something that appeals to me in hand that I can't explain. They are up-trained Eels, too... I think I used that info and battle-pack accessories to make them more diver-like to take on '86 Wet Suit back in the day....
I have found Gyro Vipers very useful for manning my Cobra FANG and Fang II's. I had one MAMBA for awhile, but the rotors were somewhat flimsy feeling and it had a snapped elevator, and it was big. With the open cockpit Fangs, these guys seem a natural fit and fairly well-suited for that open-air operation. I like the removable helmets quite a bit and their tan suits are fairly color neutral so it doesn't become an issue.
Of removable helmets, the Ice Vipers have this, too, and I think it is more interesting than their two ice picks. I guess this is a army builder that could be pretty close to being popular next to the Techno-vipers, but the Snow Serpent seems to reign more favored in snow-collections. A very environment specific Viper, much like snow Joes, only really fits in so many imaginative play-battle scenarios, where cool as they and Wolf vehicles are, kind of all end up sitting on a shelf more often than not. Still a nice figure, but with out my Wolf's, they have to go on foot for the time being and without any snow-shoes or skis they don't seem as action-oriented as either of the Snow Serpent versions.
That's leave's the WORMS. I had one very nice MAGGOT for a short time, I don't think I even got it in a picture, and one very nice WORMS (the one with the antenna in picture). I just didn't feel the need for a big artillery piece and another color scheme (light blue and yellow) to add to my non-uniform Cobra army. The WORMS was pretty cool, I thought he would be good to go with my HISS tanks, as they only had one Track Viper. With vehicles sold for cash, I bought two more WORMS with some of it, but I've been mostly on the fence with whether or not they look more higher ranking, more officer-looking than simply tank crew members. I very much like the removable helmets, a very tank-feeling feature on them, but, perhaps I can use them as the commander of a two-man tank? Do I need a commander in a two-man tank? So, where I thought I would get much more use out of these guys, it just hasn't happened..., yet.
1987 as a stand-alone Cobra year? It really seems like a specialty-heavy group to me, nothing that says huge force of something. IN many respects, this was almost more a vehicle year for Cobra with 4 Viper-corps "drivers."
Think Cobra had the upper hand over the Joes in 1987?
1987 Joe team
If Duke had died, would this be the team?

This picture is how my GIJOE team members from 1987 looked back in 2009. They still look the same a little less than a year later.
I've had the thought of how a "one-year-only" collection might look every once in awhile. It's kind of like how some fans might only collect up to certain years, or collect everything and anything. Or only HISS tanks, or only VAMP jeeps. I don't think I've seen anyone do a one single year only in the online world, or at least let it be known, or I've come across it.
What year would it be? Would it be split with one year Cobra, another different year GIJOE?
Either way, or any way, not important. Just a random thought.
On to 1987, GIJOE.
I think Tunnel Rat is the most re-occurring figure/ character that originates from this year. And he's had some changes here and there, but he's survived all the way to the newest "Renegades" cartoon. Would I be wrong in saying he's stayed fairly close to his original characterization? He was in Sigma Six, has 11 versions of the guy. This figure says army guy no matter how I look at it.
From there, Chuckles, Jinx, Lt. Falcon, and Outback seem to have made a good number of appearances since 1987, as well, in some form or another. Chuckles really got big in a comic-sense, and in my head, a very spy-like guy. He's the undercover cop in some ways, un-assuming, but tough-as-nails. I have Chuckles and Mace together in imaginary battles.
Jinx has popped up in various ways. I like Jinx, but a red ninja hasn't been a highly used MOS in my world lately...I've actually grown to using the Vypra '98 re-use in her place, to bring the ninja-ness to a more combative type of role.
Outback just hasn't seemed to be brought out as much as I thought he would as of late/ modern era: a survival expert and a figure that could just about fit anywhere for any battle. I put him in the mountains in my "squads" play-project, but here's a guy that could get huge with a little extra biography work and new take on the toy.
IF there was to be a generation 2 takeover after the GIJOE movie in 1987, DUKE would be dead and Lt. Falcon would be in his place now. I really think it. The team would have needed a first shirt and Falcon would have worked well. The figure is nice and simple, one I always wanted back in the day, especially when I saw another kid with one. A backpack with a radio and knife and a cool simple shotgun.
Psyche-out, Sneak Peak, Law, and Crazy Legs haven't really stood out as having much presence over the years, other than more brief appearances. They may have, but I just barely noticed them, mostly comic notations I suppose. Law is probably the strongest stand-out of the bunch, he's a guy that can be pretty useful. Crazy Legs is a nice figure, but all red doesn't appeal to me, this is a figure I would much rather have the NIGHT FORCE version of, same for Sneak Peek. Sneak Peek could really be a pretty good figure with better colors. As is, Sneak peek is a vehicle crew member/ field station kind of GIJOE. Psyche-out is great in his MOS but comes out a little too "sci-fi." Other than his "techie" appearances and uses in the comics, he doesn't add that much to the team; even though he does bring a lot of technical knowledge.
Aside from a missile-laden modern figure being re-used in online discussion, Fast Draw hasn't been apparent to me. He's kind of been on the very edge of the radar. He's a little too padded for casual use, sounds funny, but he's a walking weapon system. The guy doesn't feel versatile, and he's pretty much become a field station or vehicle crew member.
Really, off the radar from 1987 are Back Stop and Steam Roller. I suppose being vehicle drivers it makes sense. I don't have Hardtop or Payload here, but their vehicle's spotlight shines on them pretty good.
The Persuader is a vehicle I don't think I've seen much discussion of online, ever. I had the chance to buy one that I saw in person, but, I was just underwhelmed by it. Back Stop sort of goes that way, too. Not a particularly interesting guy, but I have been able to use him as an armor driver in my world. I like the upper body armor and helmet in that where most GIJOE vehicles have a lot of exposed seats and what-not, Back Stop works on these well. With the file card indicating a hockey background, the figure really looks it. I can imagine Back Stop jumping off a tank and taking the fight to an enemy hockey style.
Steam Roller is a tough looking character. One knife. Coming with the Mobile Command Center I would think he would stand out more, but, perhaps having non-rare Hard top-style accessories limits his depth. In my head, he almost seems like a tougher version of Cross Country. I've been able to use Steam Roller in a lot of vehicle situations, mostly armor. He comes in with iron, but this guy looks like a guy that would be more than willing to jump out and go hand-to-hand with a Dreadnok group.
Of course there are the trio Renegades from 1987, and Battle force 2000, I know that, but I was going more main-line when I was looking at individual years. HOWEVER, as I'm typing out thoughts, I realized that Rumbler was no where near my radar, much like his vehicle.

This picture is how my GIJOE team members from 1987 looked back in 2009. They still look the same a little less than a year later.
I've had the thought of how a "one-year-only" collection might look every once in awhile. It's kind of like how some fans might only collect up to certain years, or collect everything and anything. Or only HISS tanks, or only VAMP jeeps. I don't think I've seen anyone do a one single year only in the online world, or at least let it be known, or I've come across it.
What year would it be? Would it be split with one year Cobra, another different year GIJOE?
Either way, or any way, not important. Just a random thought.
On to 1987, GIJOE.
I think Tunnel Rat is the most re-occurring figure/ character that originates from this year. And he's had some changes here and there, but he's survived all the way to the newest "Renegades" cartoon. Would I be wrong in saying he's stayed fairly close to his original characterization? He was in Sigma Six, has 11 versions of the guy. This figure says army guy no matter how I look at it.
From there, Chuckles, Jinx, Lt. Falcon, and Outback seem to have made a good number of appearances since 1987, as well, in some form or another. Chuckles really got big in a comic-sense, and in my head, a very spy-like guy. He's the undercover cop in some ways, un-assuming, but tough-as-nails. I have Chuckles and Mace together in imaginary battles.
Jinx has popped up in various ways. I like Jinx, but a red ninja hasn't been a highly used MOS in my world lately...I've actually grown to using the Vypra '98 re-use in her place, to bring the ninja-ness to a more combative type of role.
Outback just hasn't seemed to be brought out as much as I thought he would as of late/ modern era: a survival expert and a figure that could just about fit anywhere for any battle. I put him in the mountains in my "squads" play-project, but here's a guy that could get huge with a little extra biography work and new take on the toy.
IF there was to be a generation 2 takeover after the GIJOE movie in 1987, DUKE would be dead and Lt. Falcon would be in his place now. I really think it. The team would have needed a first shirt and Falcon would have worked well. The figure is nice and simple, one I always wanted back in the day, especially when I saw another kid with one. A backpack with a radio and knife and a cool simple shotgun.
Psyche-out, Sneak Peak, Law, and Crazy Legs haven't really stood out as having much presence over the years, other than more brief appearances. They may have, but I just barely noticed them, mostly comic notations I suppose. Law is probably the strongest stand-out of the bunch, he's a guy that can be pretty useful. Crazy Legs is a nice figure, but all red doesn't appeal to me, this is a figure I would much rather have the NIGHT FORCE version of, same for Sneak Peek. Sneak Peek could really be a pretty good figure with better colors. As is, Sneak peek is a vehicle crew member/ field station kind of GIJOE. Psyche-out is great in his MOS but comes out a little too "sci-fi." Other than his "techie" appearances and uses in the comics, he doesn't add that much to the team; even though he does bring a lot of technical knowledge.
Aside from a missile-laden modern figure being re-used in online discussion, Fast Draw hasn't been apparent to me. He's kind of been on the very edge of the radar. He's a little too padded for casual use, sounds funny, but he's a walking weapon system. The guy doesn't feel versatile, and he's pretty much become a field station or vehicle crew member.
Really, off the radar from 1987 are Back Stop and Steam Roller. I suppose being vehicle drivers it makes sense. I don't have Hardtop or Payload here, but their vehicle's spotlight shines on them pretty good.
The Persuader is a vehicle I don't think I've seen much discussion of online, ever. I had the chance to buy one that I saw in person, but, I was just underwhelmed by it. Back Stop sort of goes that way, too. Not a particularly interesting guy, but I have been able to use him as an armor driver in my world. I like the upper body armor and helmet in that where most GIJOE vehicles have a lot of exposed seats and what-not, Back Stop works on these well. With the file card indicating a hockey background, the figure really looks it. I can imagine Back Stop jumping off a tank and taking the fight to an enemy hockey style.
Steam Roller is a tough looking character. One knife. Coming with the Mobile Command Center I would think he would stand out more, but, perhaps having non-rare Hard top-style accessories limits his depth. In my head, he almost seems like a tougher version of Cross Country. I've been able to use Steam Roller in a lot of vehicle situations, mostly armor. He comes in with iron, but this guy looks like a guy that would be more than willing to jump out and go hand-to-hand with a Dreadnok group.
Of course there are the trio Renegades from 1987, and Battle force 2000, I know that, but I was going more main-line when I was looking at individual years. HOWEVER, as I'm typing out thoughts, I realized that Rumbler was no where near my radar, much like his vehicle.
1983 HQ
The 1983 HQ.
A picture taken today:

Below here is in what must be 1996. Except for the WHALE and the HQ, all the other vehicles have been traded and sold away. Interesting in that I did not place the L.A.W. in this picture? But one can see my make-do Stargate All-terrain Cruiser taking the place if the AWE striker. On the couch, though, the HQ has a decent sized foot print.

Just typing the title in makes me feel this thing is old...1983, wow! The above picture is from maybe 1994 or 1995, I think. I used a cardboard poster backer underneath and balanced it on the shelf top.
Of my G.I.Joe collection, this is one of my oldest things, an original item that has been in my possession since as long as I can remember!
Back in the day of true play, I used the WHALE hovercraft as an HQ about as much as the HQ itself. The HQ took up a good amount of space, and set up time, at least it seemed like it. The L.A.W. often became a bit of a base at times, too. Of course, with only about a dozen good guys and bad guys, the weapons trays were utilized; still have the code-names on the side on masking tape labels from around 1988-89 or so.
As the force grew, the HQ became a little more crowded. It's never been on a shelf-set-up long, like most all the vehicles I've had, although, I sort of would have liked to. I think having it set up I wanted to have good access to all the playing points, like, I could put it on a big shelf, but, driving a vehicle in wouldn't work. Turning it around, well, then Cobra wouldn't be able to front assault it.
It's really a floor-playing item. Of course, being the older person I am, leaving it on the floor I'm not comfortable with. Not in the open floor of a house with many people. I'm too afraid of it getting stepped on or tripped over.
Plus it is getting old. The jail cell front wall sections have had broken slider tabs for as long as I can remember, and some tabs are showing wear on other sections. I don't think it's a fragile-delicate piece where it's gotta be packed in bubble wrap, but it won't stand up to "rugged play." at least I don't think so.
This base could use a back wall, too, in my opinion. I think I, like many other fans, have used the Mobile Command Center or a '92/'00 HQ, or something similar, as a back wall. A 360* perimeter of action, essentially.
Nowadays, I have a deep enough figure pool where I can really afford to have the HQ manned by its own team. However, as far as stations of action go, the 1983 HQ was really built as an action outpost. With 2 seats at the computer station, and room for a few Joes to stand in that area, that area fills up quick. The main cannon and upper deck fills up fast, too, and the jail only needs a couple guards at most. I like the generator, too, many sabotage missions attempted...
Past that, it's a real come and go base of action. The vehicles can hunker down in the bays and get repaired while being used to fight back! And if no vehicles, all the rifles can be hanging on the walls. I've only really used these because they were there, just to see the rifles hanging there...only to get knocked down when a vehicle is placed in there.
The file card holder bay was more a storage area for weapons, or for hiding all smuggler-style in the event of emergency invasion-assault. The jail bunks were also used as a medical bay, and r-n-r room; hot-racking indeed.
I have this all packed up right now. I would like to have it out, and I did for a short while on a board, but, it just sat there. I would like to set it up on a HUGE board where I can have access all around it and have room for all the various battle stations to be placed in proximity. Of course I would like to have the Terrordrome in my possession in a similar arrangement someday, too.
Edit, new development! Well, more like I wanted to bust this thing out since it was in a box right next to me. It's been packed up since the past February, essentially. I set it up, and snapped some pictures, which I'm not the happiest with. I was thinking I should make a header with my HQ, as my blog is titled, "Icebreaker's HQ." I then thought I should put in some of my "command staff." I may re-think this whole idea.
A picture taken today:

Below here is in what must be 1996. Except for the WHALE and the HQ, all the other vehicles have been traded and sold away. Interesting in that I did not place the L.A.W. in this picture? But one can see my make-do Stargate All-terrain Cruiser taking the place if the AWE striker. On the couch, though, the HQ has a decent sized foot print.

Just typing the title in makes me feel this thing is old...1983, wow! The above picture is from maybe 1994 or 1995, I think. I used a cardboard poster backer underneath and balanced it on the shelf top.
Of my G.I.Joe collection, this is one of my oldest things, an original item that has been in my possession since as long as I can remember!
Back in the day of true play, I used the WHALE hovercraft as an HQ about as much as the HQ itself. The HQ took up a good amount of space, and set up time, at least it seemed like it. The L.A.W. often became a bit of a base at times, too. Of course, with only about a dozen good guys and bad guys, the weapons trays were utilized; still have the code-names on the side on masking tape labels from around 1988-89 or so.
As the force grew, the HQ became a little more crowded. It's never been on a shelf-set-up long, like most all the vehicles I've had, although, I sort of would have liked to. I think having it set up I wanted to have good access to all the playing points, like, I could put it on a big shelf, but, driving a vehicle in wouldn't work. Turning it around, well, then Cobra wouldn't be able to front assault it.
It's really a floor-playing item. Of course, being the older person I am, leaving it on the floor I'm not comfortable with. Not in the open floor of a house with many people. I'm too afraid of it getting stepped on or tripped over.
Plus it is getting old. The jail cell front wall sections have had broken slider tabs for as long as I can remember, and some tabs are showing wear on other sections. I don't think it's a fragile-delicate piece where it's gotta be packed in bubble wrap, but it won't stand up to "rugged play." at least I don't think so.
This base could use a back wall, too, in my opinion. I think I, like many other fans, have used the Mobile Command Center or a '92/'00 HQ, or something similar, as a back wall. A 360* perimeter of action, essentially.
Nowadays, I have a deep enough figure pool where I can really afford to have the HQ manned by its own team. However, as far as stations of action go, the 1983 HQ was really built as an action outpost. With 2 seats at the computer station, and room for a few Joes to stand in that area, that area fills up quick. The main cannon and upper deck fills up fast, too, and the jail only needs a couple guards at most. I like the generator, too, many sabotage missions attempted...
Past that, it's a real come and go base of action. The vehicles can hunker down in the bays and get repaired while being used to fight back! And if no vehicles, all the rifles can be hanging on the walls. I've only really used these because they were there, just to see the rifles hanging there...only to get knocked down when a vehicle is placed in there.
The file card holder bay was more a storage area for weapons, or for hiding all smuggler-style in the event of emergency invasion-assault. The jail bunks were also used as a medical bay, and r-n-r room; hot-racking indeed.
I have this all packed up right now. I would like to have it out, and I did for a short while on a board, but, it just sat there. I would like to set it up on a HUGE board where I can have access all around it and have room for all the various battle stations to be placed in proximity. Of course I would like to have the Terrordrome in my possession in a similar arrangement someday, too.
Edit, new development! Well, more like I wanted to bust this thing out since it was in a box right next to me. It's been packed up since the past February, essentially. I set it up, and snapped some pictures, which I'm not the happiest with. I was thinking I should make a header with my HQ, as my blog is titled, "Icebreaker's HQ." I then thought I should put in some of my "command staff." I may re-think this whole idea.
Big Leatherneck wall painting
Here is a link to a project I did back in the late '90's, it's a wall-sized painting of Leatherneck. In this series of photo scans it shows about 80% of what I did, and overall I only took the project 90% toward completion, mostly since I moved out of the place for the most part.
I would like to do another large scale painting like this. I chose Leatherneck as a "poster Joe" when I did that project, a sort of representative of Joes that most anyone viewing could say, "oh, G.I.Joe." For a potential next project like this, though, I wonder who I would pick? I guess any Joe would do. Perhaps Hawk '86?
Either way, the next project like this will likely not be for quite awhile, so plenty of time to mull it over.
I would like to do another large scale painting like this. I chose Leatherneck as a "poster Joe" when I did that project, a sort of representative of Joes that most anyone viewing could say, "oh, G.I.Joe." For a potential next project like this, though, I wonder who I would pick? I guess any Joe would do. Perhaps Hawk '86?
Either way, the next project like this will likely not be for quite awhile, so plenty of time to mull it over.
Winter operations
This over at Joe Dios got me kind of pumped up for winter operations style Joes.
While I'm not a big fan of the cold weather Joe stuff, or cold weather period, if ever environment specific figures were out there, arctic guys were it. Unlike, say, desert trooper Dusty, a guy like Frostbite just doesn't fit outside an imaginary frozen land covered in snow. At least to me. It's kinda like diver figure: Deep six, Wet suit, etc., they just don't feel right busting through imaginary forest.
Use as you will, though. My Joes have to take on Cobra Snow Serpents ('85 and '91) and Ice Vipers ('87) on some of the most desolate, frozen areas on the planet.
Sub-Zero is the leader of the dedicated squad of the GIJOE arctic team.
The rest of the squad is pretty much every classic "arctic" Joe that I have:
Cold Front
Snow Job
Snow storm
It's a good mix, 4 are really more vehicle drivers, too. Snow Storm is the oddest man out, though, being all contained in that hi-tech snow suit that seems all warm compared to everyone else. Guess who's on patrol the most? Avalanche could have been with the BF2000 group, but really, just is more "suited" to the snowy landscape, in my opinion.
I'm still on the fence about White Out, classic or modern style. Interesting in that I'm a person who wants to see more new characters, yet, I'm just feeling any connection to the new(er) characters that have come out. Some of that is a little due to the "new sculpt" style just not being something I like, but, perhaps it's the characterization, too? Big Brawler almost came on too strong, for instance..., the big bad tempered muscle man. However, Sure Fire is a guy I've kind of gotten use out of, the one with the original head that is. White Out was essentially Snow Job, just like Double Blast was pretty much Roadblock (absolutely no Double Blast here). However, with me being very choosy on which modern figures I buy, I have a very unique figure with this White Out. The figure has no semblance to any figure I have, so I can use that, however, the guy just doesn't stand out to me. Almost too flat-a-figure, could be any schmoe dressed for winter in some ways. Any-who, we'll see if that changes in the future....
I had a pretty good spread of Cobra arctic vehicles at one point. The Ice Sabre, ice Snake, a pair of Wolf's, but they all got trimmed.
I had the first Joe Ice Sabre, too, but it ended up lost in a bad trade overseas, but it didn't really hold my interest on the long-term even on the short term of ownership.
I had the GvC Rockslide, too, but the missile launcher kind of killed my interest on it, I just wanted an original PBB; but even that was feeling antique to me. Even my mighty Blockbuster is gone, which I never felt any arctic connection to, although it was one tough vehicle with a neat action launcher!
I did get the Wolf Hound, more on that on a post at Joesightings. So that's my only cold weather transportation.
I was really thinking of army building the Ice Cutter, but with the tracks being stuck on the action-movement gimmick, well, I just gotta say, "no." Not at full price, anyway, and I didn't want to get a bunch of red troopers I wouldn't like, either. My hopes were high....
I guess in the future, I would hope to see some small snowmobile come out for Cobra, not like the Polar Blast that was out a few years back; never did see that at retail anyway. Something a little more Cobra Ferret-like in simplicity, heck, swap-out the wheels for a ski and tread combo on the axles and it's half-way there for me.
I've been a little interested in the Arctic Blast, too. It seems like a battle vehicle, no frills..., big tires and room for guys to gun from. I think the yellow guns are really my only big turn-down, and the fact I've never seen one in person. As I look at it now, doesn't it seem a little back-end heavy, too? Anyone recommend it? I think it would fit my small-vehicle oriented collection for the cold guys.
more S.K.O. at Generals Joes!
Right here from Generals Joes is some S.K. Omega news, which I am happy to read about. I kept looking at Molten Monkey Int.'s website for more information, but kinda of stopped a little while ago as it didn't ever seem to have anything.
I'd still like to see the Hive base and that helicopter make it through production. I'm not as pumped on the figures, never really have been, mostly since I have more GIJoe figures than I really need as is. Adding another group of figures isn't high on my priority list, nor is more vehicles or base(s).
But, I hope they can get a unique toy line going that succeeds.
It's gotta be hard just getting past the intellectual property lawyers from the big companies.
I'd still like to see the Hive base and that helicopter make it through production. I'm not as pumped on the figures, never really have been, mostly since I have more GIJoe figures than I really need as is. Adding another group of figures isn't high on my priority list, nor is more vehicles or base(s).
But, I hope they can get a unique toy line going that succeeds.
It's gotta be hard just getting past the intellectual property lawyers from the big companies.
Toys R Us Express
I was really not impressed with the Toys R Us Express store in Eau Claire. I'm not sure if this is the 1st or 2nd year TRU is going this route, but, I really see no reason to go buy there, or let anyone in the area that I know that the store is even there.
The Target has a much better selection of toys and games just a hop across the street, and the prices are much better. Add in that one could run to Fleet farm or Farm and Fleet for their seasonal Toy Lands for the different stuff that doesn't show up in the usual Target or Walmart stores; and the Toy Land prices were much better.
If you read this series of GIJOE thoughts, you can guess that I was looking for GIJOE stuff. On the cheap, I was actually inspired to look to see where the TRU Express store were going to be locally due to this thread at JBL . At $9.99, I would have cleared the store of the Stingers for sure and probably would have bought more than I really needed.
As it was, only the Ice Dagger, Dragonhawk XH1 , and the RoC Night Raven , were there for vehicles. The prices were set to full-high retail.
There were two HoH Snake eyes guys at a good price, possibly the rest all bought up prior to me getting there.
I hope more will come into the store. I'll check it out later in the month, just to do something, but I'm not impressed with the express, thus far.
Edit: it's about the 20th, so not a lot later from the last time (and first) I was in the store, but as far as 'Joe was concerned, nothing has changed. The only thing that was different was no Hall of Heroes Snake eyes figures to be seen. Unless they are overstocked on Daggers, Dragonhawks, and Ravens (I'm not surprised as Target seemed to be sitting on a pile of them, too, even at $14-something clearance.). I most likely will avoid that mall area for quite a while, too, as even yesterday was quite a zoo.
The Target has a much better selection of toys and games just a hop across the street, and the prices are much better. Add in that one could run to Fleet farm or Farm and Fleet for their seasonal Toy Lands for the different stuff that doesn't show up in the usual Target or Walmart stores; and the Toy Land prices were much better.
If you read this series of GIJOE thoughts, you can guess that I was looking for GIJOE stuff. On the cheap, I was actually inspired to look to see where the TRU Express store were going to be locally due to this thread at JBL . At $9.99, I would have cleared the store of the Stingers for sure and probably would have bought more than I really needed.
As it was, only the Ice Dagger, Dragonhawk XH1 , and the RoC Night Raven , were there for vehicles. The prices were set to full-high retail.
There were two HoH Snake eyes guys at a good price, possibly the rest all bought up prior to me getting there.
I hope more will come into the store. I'll check it out later in the month, just to do something, but I'm not impressed with the express, thus far.
Edit: it's about the 20th, so not a lot later from the last time (and first) I was in the store, but as far as 'Joe was concerned, nothing has changed. The only thing that was different was no Hall of Heroes Snake eyes figures to be seen. Unless they are overstocked on Daggers, Dragonhawks, and Ravens (I'm not surprised as Target seemed to be sitting on a pile of them, too, even at $14-something clearance.). I most likely will avoid that mall area for quite a while, too, as even yesterday was quite a zoo.
I did a small (for fun) project a while back where my end goal was to put figures into departments, or their own groups of like figures. As a team, there are a lot of GIJoe figures. I wanted to see if I could really break down all these specialists into more limited environments, mostly to make it easy to get a bunch of figures set up at once that made sense together. The Arctic team was the easier to pick out. Most of this I posted at JOESIGHTINGS with PICs, so take a look there for the bulk of this little project.
I think I had the most fun with the vehicle teams. At one point in my collection, vehicles outnumbered figures, as such vehicle driver figures became a collecting goal. As I scaled way back on vehicles, I felt empty. There was less vehicles, but more drivers left that needed something to do. So, the MOTOR POOL sort of started to take on its own team aspect for me after I started trying to over-categorize and assign figures.
I guess in the very same vehicle department, I ended up with a sort of artillery team that in some ways could be its own department, but somehow they need to get where they need to go (towed). The Mountain Howitzer helped keep Long Range and Thunder employed, as did the MMS for Fast Draw. Some figures, while back in the day would have gone anywhere and everywhere,...nowadays, they just seem more mission oriented. Like a diver or pilot; a costume that would seem out of place with a bunch of soldiers in BDU's.
The Motor Pool almost gets another "division" between armor and speed. The Scouts are the Awe Striker light assault and recon guys. I would like to add several RAMs along side the AWE's. I've been on the fence as to whether or not to have a VAMP with them, 4WD being nice, but, perhaps too slow?
Either way, the armor catches up pretty fast in the way of the Night Rhino, the Mean Dog, and the Equalizer.
Major Storm takes the command of this vehicle group. Much like HAWK, here's a guy that's out in the field, and being well versed in all ground tactics brings that experience to help this small group overcome huge battles with limited resources.
I think I had the most fun with the vehicle teams. At one point in my collection, vehicles outnumbered figures, as such vehicle driver figures became a collecting goal. As I scaled way back on vehicles, I felt empty. There was less vehicles, but more drivers left that needed something to do. So, the MOTOR POOL sort of started to take on its own team aspect for me after I started trying to over-categorize and assign figures.
I guess in the very same vehicle department, I ended up with a sort of artillery team that in some ways could be its own department, but somehow they need to get where they need to go (towed). The Mountain Howitzer helped keep Long Range and Thunder employed, as did the MMS for Fast Draw. Some figures, while back in the day would have gone anywhere and everywhere,...nowadays, they just seem more mission oriented. Like a diver or pilot; a costume that would seem out of place with a bunch of soldiers in BDU's.
The Motor Pool almost gets another "division" between armor and speed. The Scouts are the Awe Striker light assault and recon guys. I would like to add several RAMs along side the AWE's. I've been on the fence as to whether or not to have a VAMP with them, 4WD being nice, but, perhaps too slow?
Either way, the armor catches up pretty fast in the way of the Night Rhino, the Mean Dog, and the Equalizer.
Major Storm takes the command of this vehicle group. Much like HAWK, here's a guy that's out in the field, and being well versed in all ground tactics brings that experience to help this small group overcome huge battles with limited resources.
Favorite Dreadnok

Here's the Dreadnoks in the YOJOE ARCHIVES for your reference.
Right now, on the classic Dreadnoks, I'll have to edit this post for my favorite after I think about it some more. In some ways I'm leaning toward Zandar (the guy no one remembers), but what makes a good 'nok? Pirates, poachers, thugs, arsonists, assassins, wild childs,...what have you? I think of the Motor Viper file card, too, when it comes to Dreadnoks. The Motor Viper Corps attracts the type of individual who without a benefit of an education or ambition, would have joined the Dreadnoks. So, do Dreadnoks simply live for the thrill of the danger itself, in the moment?
Dreadnoks in my collection through the years.
If I remember right, Thrasher and the Thunder Machine, along with Zandar and Zarana were my first 'noks. These three figures have been in my collection since way back in the day. The Thunder Machine appealed to me in a somewhat Mad Max way, and it was often pitted against the Tiger Cat. Thrasher was a rather muscular bad guy with his stick, and along with Sea Slug was one of the "bigger" tough guys. Zandar and Zarana took on their color changing abilities on the window sill many times. These two were easily placed on the Dreadnok Cycle when I obtained one for my original collection, maybe the box illustration swayed me on that.
Next up, I inherited my best buds Buzzer and Zanzibar w/ skiff.I may have gotten an incomplete Road Pig 2nd hand through my best buds trade efforts with another kid.
I did buy the Ninja force Zartan off the shelf, which I do like, but had the green pants been blue jeans it would have been better. Not to mention anything but orange weapons and action gimmick. This was my Zartan for quite awhile, a figure I really wanted for the obvious reason of being Dreadnok leader.
That was pretty much the Dreadnoks for me from 1991 to 1999/2000-ish.
Since 2000 I have added the original Ripper, Torch, Monkeywrench, as well as the 2000 Zartan and '05(?) comic pack Zartan. Gnawgahyde joined the crew, still incomplete, as well, for $4.95
Interestingly, within the past 10 years I've bought a double of many Dreadnoks essentially upgrading to a nicer condition figure. I found these at the GIJoe convention in '05, and even locally at some pre-ebay explosion collector/ used video game toy shops. Figures that have been replaced with an upgraded version are Buzzer, Torch, Zanzibar, Road Pig, Zandar, and Zarana, and even Thrasher if memory is right. That's a lot of replacement, but I really have some nice figures.
More thoughts on Dreadnoks
Monkeywrench is a figure that really looks the part next to the original trio of Buzzer, Ripper, and Torch, with his blue jeans and tough looking build. I've found that the figure itself is really a solid figure with a great look and usability that I don't feel ever has been upgraded in a modern form. Monkeywrench really stands out to me in that way.
The Cobra MAMBA is a vehicle that I traded away back around 2000. This was a used MAMBA, which was complete, but had a crack on a wing between the two tails. I only had it a couple years, but I'm not sure what else I didn't like about it that I traded it in so soon. Perhaps the size of the thing? Not sure, but I've been thinking about older stuff, and the MAMBA does come to my mind sometimes.
I like the FANG II the most, it's a fairly imaginatively advanced aircraft with loads of bombs, and the Gyro-Vipers look good in it to me. And it's small size makes Cobra that "sneak spelled sideways."
However, the MAMBA would look good next to the FANG II's as I think about it now. The Inter-meshing rotors are fairly advanced, and two armed rocket pods up the ante on the assault side. A shade of purple-blue and black with red missiles.
Perhaps this is a vehicle that could have used a handle, not unlike the NAC. And the apparent lack of landing gear may have bugged me a bit, too.
Anybody have the MAMBA out there that totally digs or dislikes it?
I like the FANG II the most, it's a fairly imaginatively advanced aircraft with loads of bombs, and the Gyro-Vipers look good in it to me. And it's small size makes Cobra that "sneak spelled sideways."
However, the MAMBA would look good next to the FANG II's as I think about it now. The Inter-meshing rotors are fairly advanced, and two armed rocket pods up the ante on the assault side. A shade of purple-blue and black with red missiles.
Perhaps this is a vehicle that could have used a handle, not unlike the NAC. And the apparent lack of landing gear may have bugged me a bit, too.
Anybody have the MAMBA out there that totally digs or dislikes it?
Space, the final frontier...

Space the final frontier..., but for GIJoe?
The Defiant with the complex gets much love, and deservedly so. It's big with a ton of fun built in. I've only seen two Defiants in my days, never had one myself..., not sure if I want one, either.
I did have the Crusader for a short while. It was a more expensive purchase for me when I bought it, but I'm glad it was the one I did buy. It was as white as the day it rolled off the assembly line, and I got to put it all together.
Back around 1995 in the summer, I found a whole bunch of Star Brigade figures on clearance for about $1 each. I kept them all in the package in the hopes of scoring a Defiant, then busting them all out to man the thing. "Space Joes" are just fine in my view, but, they're like pilots or divers or cold weather specialists; very, very, environment oriented. I had the Starfighter, too, kept that thing in a plastic bag to keep it dust free, as well as the Invader and a Stilleto.
In the end I never did open them up, life priorities changed, and mostly, I decided I'm not a MOC collector. I traded them in, with the Crusader, for the opportunity to get more of the original main line figures. Also, I had traded away my previously owned space vehicles well before I bought the Crusader, trading them since I felt like I would never get a Defiant and therefore no real "space force."
And it's all good, as I've trimmed my collection, and I've made mention to my cutting most "sub-teams," the Star Brigade and potential space missions were for me logical cuts. Eliminating the same character figure and keeping just one was part of that decision. Star Brigade Ozone was nixed and Eco-warrior Ozone was kept, as that made him a unique character, as an example of how that worked. Skystriker is my only Tiger Force guy as he is a unique character, and the others simply duplicated an original figure.
Where I haven't had an easy time in trimming is in the astronaut area, Countdown and Payload are both great examples. These guys are very much unique figure characters, but beyond space missions or at the very least, flying the X-19, just don't have much more to offer other than being "officers." That I've found, anyway.
Without a space mission, what do these guys add to the original ARAH team?
Too much stuff, but can it be really be slimmed down?
After essentially turning the basement upside down, again, I find myself asking myself, what am I doing? I got a lot of stuff, but it's really not near as much as I could have, or have had!
It's also that line between having everything out, or put away. I would like to have it all out, but, it would simply be out getting dusty. If it is "away," the room becomes Rubbermaid container storage. And there is the ever-presence of the other people in the household, who I would like to share the basement space with. I also want to build a two-sided basement with a huge base for Cobra on one side, and Joe on the other, and a big "battle table" in the middle.
When I look at how many dreams, plans, aspirations, and other ideas that I have had and how far they got implemented, I wonder if I should just really trim everything (joe) down even further?
I try to think back to when I had the most fun with the Joes. Which, in some ways was almost all in the '80's into the early '90's. I had a big (for me) shopping spree from '94 through '99 with the original lines clearances, Street Fighter and other lines on clearance, and the '97/'98 TRU line. The 2000/'01 ARAH Collection line was pretty big for me, too.
Being more in college at the time (2000/'01), I think it would have been better had this line not been out. I was always working or going to school since '98, and it was a distraction to run up to Kmart to check out and see if there were any new or "on sale" Joes. It didn't help that in the Spring of '99 I discovered the Toy-Riffic store here in town, either. Another shopping distraction, but hey, how many times does one see a Terrordrome in a downtown shop window?
It was about this point in with the '97/'98/2000-'01 Joes that I think I had a pretty good time with them. I didn't have near the original figures that I have now, and getting these "new" joes with all the original accessories was huge for me. Add in that the uniforms colors sort of made a more "team" look, well, huge.
Now, most of my stuff was still packed up since leaving the parents, but having just a small box of loose Joes to toss up onto the shelf was where it was at. Still kind of sucks I lost Brehkov's hat in a dorm room. But, just a hand full of stuff, really.
Here at this point, I wonder if the "handful of Joes" is the most fun. Back in the day in the '80's and into the early '90's... I think the 1991 Snake eyes was my 50th Joe figure. Still roughly 25-some figures a piece for each team.
So, not an exact thought here in this HQ rambling, but, after this bit of though... can I reduce all my figures and vehicles even further?
Do I really need my X-30? Do I need an Arctic team? Does Col. Courage need to take up space at the HQ? Do I need three Sci-fi's, and which one stays?
I am contemplating which figures "could" go. I like the team depth, and many figures have their own unique things that I like..., but picking out just a handle full to keep over all the others? That's a hard thing to do, but maybe I should do it.
I could start with the leadership, but which HAWK would I keep?!
It's also that line between having everything out, or put away. I would like to have it all out, but, it would simply be out getting dusty. If it is "away," the room becomes Rubbermaid container storage. And there is the ever-presence of the other people in the household, who I would like to share the basement space with. I also want to build a two-sided basement with a huge base for Cobra on one side, and Joe on the other, and a big "battle table" in the middle.
When I look at how many dreams, plans, aspirations, and other ideas that I have had and how far they got implemented, I wonder if I should just really trim everything (joe) down even further?
I try to think back to when I had the most fun with the Joes. Which, in some ways was almost all in the '80's into the early '90's. I had a big (for me) shopping spree from '94 through '99 with the original lines clearances, Street Fighter and other lines on clearance, and the '97/'98 TRU line. The 2000/'01 ARAH Collection line was pretty big for me, too.
Being more in college at the time (2000/'01), I think it would have been better had this line not been out. I was always working or going to school since '98, and it was a distraction to run up to Kmart to check out and see if there were any new or "on sale" Joes. It didn't help that in the Spring of '99 I discovered the Toy-Riffic store here in town, either. Another shopping distraction, but hey, how many times does one see a Terrordrome in a downtown shop window?
It was about this point in with the '97/'98/2000-'01 Joes that I think I had a pretty good time with them. I didn't have near the original figures that I have now, and getting these "new" joes with all the original accessories was huge for me. Add in that the uniforms colors sort of made a more "team" look, well, huge.
Now, most of my stuff was still packed up since leaving the parents, but having just a small box of loose Joes to toss up onto the shelf was where it was at. Still kind of sucks I lost Brehkov's hat in a dorm room. But, just a hand full of stuff, really.
Here at this point, I wonder if the "handful of Joes" is the most fun. Back in the day in the '80's and into the early '90's... I think the 1991 Snake eyes was my 50th Joe figure. Still roughly 25-some figures a piece for each team.
So, not an exact thought here in this HQ rambling, but, after this bit of though... can I reduce all my figures and vehicles even further?
Do I really need my X-30? Do I need an Arctic team? Does Col. Courage need to take up space at the HQ? Do I need three Sci-fi's, and which one stays?
I am contemplating which figures "could" go. I like the team depth, and many figures have their own unique things that I like..., but picking out just a handle full to keep over all the others? That's a hard thing to do, but maybe I should do it.
I could start with the leadership, but which HAWK would I keep?!
Fleet farm Toyland

While not everyday went super smooth, Summer really did slip by me. Now we really could get snow any time now, though it will most likely melt in the early weeks. One never knows, I gotta think of last year where we had one initial slushy snow drop that did mostly melt early on, but then not too far after another big drop of snow that stayed. It was a good solid drop, not a real gradual set-in to winter drop at all.
But snow is only one part of the onset of the fall-winter season; Fleet farm toyland is opening up this mid-October!
In the big box stores realm, most that are national seem to have a year-round toy department, not so much Fleet farm. I never really paid attention to the seasonal toyland, much like I never paid attention to spring lawn and garden season. Fleet farm is a big box hardware store, essentially, except no-where near the scope of Home depot or Menards. There is the twin Farm and Fleet stores, though, and they also have a seasonal toyland.
I only started paying attention when I saw, what must have been in 2004, the Joe Ice Sabre, and Quickstrike vehicles listed in their flyer. For nearly half the price of what I paid at ShopKo just a couple months prior. I have to see if I can find that advertisement, I hang on to a lot of stuff and may still have it sitting around. The Crimson Command Chopper and the Desert NAC were also listed in a Fleet farm flyer, maybe even in that same year, or the previous...another flyer page I may still have.
While these aren't unheard of low prices, they usually seem like at least one dollar less than the other stores locally. (which those stores drop their prices to match)
This years flyer as you have seen at the top has alpha vehicles and figures. If I remember right, it's a standard $6.99 vs. a lower $5.89 a figure, which is pretty decent. Were the new alphas at stores $14.99 or $15.99? Either way, a couple dollars less is nice.
And what's pictured here, may not be what is in the store. It could end up being all RoC figures. Or none at all, as this happened with the CCC and NAC choppers here; they were found in pallet loads at other stores, but none at the one in town.
In the end, I might browse in a couple weeks after the extremely mad rush on opening week, and really might not buy anything. It's fun to look, though.
A lull
It's been a couple/ few weeks since I really did anything "Joe" that is noteworthy. Some of it is due to simply life as it is, some from me moving my remaining piles of stuff around in the basement.
In the basement, is pretty much where 90-some percent of my stuff is. In this space downstairs, there is a lot of room. It's dry, comfortable, and really has no strange shape... a big rectangle, essentially.
I had originally wanted to make it a big play area for everyone in the house, of all ages, but due to a surprising lack of sound insulation between units, I decided not to go all out on this space. The bulk of the room became storage, as it is probably meant to be used for. The smaller laundry room area, I set up my Joe shop in, but due to where the bathrooms are located in the adjoining units, listening to the users of them..., well, not a thing I was going to expose any of us animals to. Mostly, since I didn't want to have to explain what that sound is to the curious little ones who may join me in the basement.
Seeing as how I don't think I'm moving on to bigger or better things within the next year, I decided to add some insulation in spots I can so this winter I can use the basement with the wee ones present. I bought the faced insulation for header blocking, and a partition wall, but, I wonder if I'm going to have to take it down due to the paper being a potential fire hazard? I also snagged a couple of blue foam boards to place against the adjoining unit walls to reduce sound, but at an r10 value, it might not be enough.
So, in summary, I spent more time as of late trying to organize or lay out a space all for toys. I hope to get the block spots done this next Monday, when little people aren't around the fiberglass insulation can get dusty.
Interesting how I've spent a lot of time manipulating spaces just to give some kind of spot for all these Joes over the years.
In the basement, is pretty much where 90-some percent of my stuff is. In this space downstairs, there is a lot of room. It's dry, comfortable, and really has no strange shape... a big rectangle, essentially.
I had originally wanted to make it a big play area for everyone in the house, of all ages, but due to a surprising lack of sound insulation between units, I decided not to go all out on this space. The bulk of the room became storage, as it is probably meant to be used for. The smaller laundry room area, I set up my Joe shop in, but due to where the bathrooms are located in the adjoining units, listening to the users of them..., well, not a thing I was going to expose any of us animals to. Mostly, since I didn't want to have to explain what that sound is to the curious little ones who may join me in the basement.
Seeing as how I don't think I'm moving on to bigger or better things within the next year, I decided to add some insulation in spots I can so this winter I can use the basement with the wee ones present. I bought the faced insulation for header blocking, and a partition wall, but, I wonder if I'm going to have to take it down due to the paper being a potential fire hazard? I also snagged a couple of blue foam boards to place against the adjoining unit walls to reduce sound, but at an r10 value, it might not be enough.
So, in summary, I spent more time as of late trying to organize or lay out a space all for toys. I hope to get the block spots done this next Monday, when little people aren't around the fiberglass insulation can get dusty.
Interesting how I've spent a lot of time manipulating spaces just to give some kind of spot for all these Joes over the years.
A youtube HQ '83 review
There's this YOUTUBE review of the '83 HQ.
It covers the lift section, and, wow...I'm blown away. I've had an '83 HQ since so far back in the day it seems like forever, but, WOW... I never knew that the old tow-able weapons fit in the bay like this!!!!
Of course, I only more recently acquired the tow-able weapons themselves in the last couple years, so in some ways I never had the obvious sitting right in front of me. With all I've read on the 'HQ, too, I cannot recall seeing this information listed.
Kind of figures, I did sell off the H.A.L. not too long ago. In my quest for reduction, as nice as the H.A.L. was in styling, I very much disliked it when it was being towed by a vehicle and the turret turned too stiff-like/ snappy for my tastes. My thoughts were that the F.L.A.K. could do just as well of a job at my HQ which wasn't requiring wheels on it. Oh well on the H.A.L., though... I always thought of those leg supports (as it turns out) as not-so-detailed gas pumps!
It covers the lift section, and, wow...I'm blown away. I've had an '83 HQ since so far back in the day it seems like forever, but, WOW... I never knew that the old tow-able weapons fit in the bay like this!!!!
Of course, I only more recently acquired the tow-able weapons themselves in the last couple years, so in some ways I never had the obvious sitting right in front of me. With all I've read on the 'HQ, too, I cannot recall seeing this information listed.
Kind of figures, I did sell off the H.A.L. not too long ago. In my quest for reduction, as nice as the H.A.L. was in styling, I very much disliked it when it was being towed by a vehicle and the turret turned too stiff-like/ snappy for my tastes. My thoughts were that the F.L.A.K. could do just as well of a job at my HQ which wasn't requiring wheels on it. Oh well on the H.A.L., though... I always thought of those leg supports (as it turns out) as not-so-detailed gas pumps!
New VAMP and The Corps!
I was heavily thinking I should add the new VAMP to my motor pool, but not so much now. Had my truly local Walmart or Kmart been stocked with these (or any Joes other than RoC movie figures*), I probably would have bought the VAMP. As it is not, I did not succumb to my "just seen it in action shots on the internet and want something new" impulse buy.
As I see more shots of the new VAMP, much like the 2010 HISS, I'm underwhelmed. I also think it looks very much too similar to The Corps vehicle that I have seen on the shelves locally for many years it seems. I like the ATK weapons better by far, too.
I really like the internet for Joe collecting, this is a great resource for lots of input. General Hawk has a review posted, and there is a awesome information with a lot of really good critical discussion on the VAMP on various boards. The pictures, poses, and comparisons, all of it, were really helpful in my decision making on getting this.
*RoC movie figures are currently "on clearance" for near $10 a piece here!! All wave 1....
Or, NOT getting this, actually.
I think it seems like a ton of fun toy, but I don't think it's a good fit for my motor pool. The VAMPs lack of doors, blobby weapons, unrefined (yet still awesome looking) winch claw, and unfavorable undercarriage mold color choices shut my excitement down.
It seems a nice truck that won't add anything unique or special to my collection, essentially. And it's kind of surprising to me that my initial excitement (which was VERY< VERY HIGH), like that of the 2010 HISS, dropped off SO fast once more people were able to give input. I feel let down, and maybe it's the wanna-be designer in me, but even without in-person viewing, both the VAMP and HISS seem like GREAT STARTS, but ho-hum sales-shelf finished products.
Looking briefly at the JOEDIOS site, I think I would have liked to see something more along the lines of any number of these customs. I like this one quite a bit, or the one right next to it. A 4 seater VAMP is nice, but this new one lacks, what I guess I would call, refinement.
As I see more shots of the new VAMP, much like the 2010 HISS, I'm underwhelmed. I also think it looks very much too similar to The Corps vehicle that I have seen on the shelves locally for many years it seems. I like the ATK weapons better by far, too.
I really like the internet for Joe collecting, this is a great resource for lots of input. General Hawk has a review posted, and there is a awesome information with a lot of really good critical discussion on the VAMP on various boards. The pictures, poses, and comparisons, all of it, were really helpful in my decision making on getting this.
*RoC movie figures are currently "on clearance" for near $10 a piece here!! All wave 1....
Or, NOT getting this, actually.
I think it seems like a ton of fun toy, but I don't think it's a good fit for my motor pool. The VAMPs lack of doors, blobby weapons, unrefined (yet still awesome looking) winch claw, and unfavorable undercarriage mold color choices shut my excitement down.
It seems a nice truck that won't add anything unique or special to my collection, essentially. And it's kind of surprising to me that my initial excitement (which was VERY< VERY HIGH), like that of the 2010 HISS, dropped off SO fast once more people were able to give input. I feel let down, and maybe it's the wanna-be designer in me, but even without in-person viewing, both the VAMP and HISS seem like GREAT STARTS, but ho-hum sales-shelf finished products.
Looking briefly at the JOEDIOS site, I think I would have liked to see something more along the lines of any number of these customs. I like this one quite a bit, or the one right next to it. A 4 seater VAMP is nice, but this new one lacks, what I guess I would call, refinement.
FANG series
The FANG series of choppers is as big a staple to me as the HISS is when it comes to Cobra. Much like the real world, air power for any force is simply a modern idea, and gives greater strike capability.
The 1983 F.A.N.G. is actually my very first GIJOE anything, that's what is pictured above, and that's why it looks so rough. This first F.A.N.G. got it done, simply put. Four good sized rockets, an very simply ball-mounted nose gun, and one rather good sized bomb. It could even carry two extra troops with all that under a VERY small frame with small engine. This toy is a work horse! Even in my imagination, though, more as an adult, too, is that I don't see this F.A.N.G. being super-agile in the sky. I does one thing in my mind, get the ordnance up with very little effort on a short distance in support of ground forces. The small size helps a lot of these swarm together for effect, and also for easy transportation and hiding; not to mention inexpensive.
The next hop into the sky was either in the Rattler, the Flight Pod, the CLAW, and even the MAMBA. Or even the Jet Pack. So, small things or big things.
FANG II came out in 1989. I found this one at a Ben Franklin in about 1993, though. I think it is a great little chopper, er, airplane, tilt-rotor. An advanced idea in helicopter, the tilt-rotor. I think it is great. 6 rockets, much more stylized than the rather straight tubes off the F.A.N.G. and a much longer cannon on a rather interesting chin mount.
The tilt-rotor is where it's at for me, combining vertical helicopter capability with the speed and agility of a twin-rotor fighter plane! But, they kept it simple, too. Skids replaced with a landing wing, which adds to performance. Also, no need for a tail-rotor. The overall length compares similar to the F.A.N.G., too, as does the open weight and cost saving feature of NO CANOPY. In actual construction, I think the absence or the "control stick" really worked against the toy, as did no "figure clip," or at least a back peg, to keep the figure steady. The actual front fuselage is great in that any figure will fit, but I think it could have been more narrow than is really is.
The FANG II is my favorite small air vehicle, too. It really works for my covert Cobra forces with small size, but unlike the F.A.N.G., I would put this one up against a Dragonfly.
With the FANG III, I don't think "year" matters when the themed years started. It was full of a lot of stuff, and repaints followed closely behind. It's GvC if I remember that the III came out. Unlike the Strike HISS, I don't think this one got much forum chat. I think both staple incarnations equally weren't popular, though. Although, one should admit, this one came WITH A PILOT. T-Crotch or not, that was nice, even though the pilot isn't super-memorable to me, I did hang on to two of them, un-used though.
I think the FANG III was a step back in the FANG series. Sure, it was heavily snake-looking, but really it was just a blobby-bodied mini-copter with sort of less than the 18-year-old original. I totally appreciate the handles for control, and the rather nice snake head on the front, but from there it is kind of down hill for me. The one missile on the belly was nice, but the small skids that balanced back on the tail felt cheap. The twin mini-guns, while possible more useful than the previous models cannons, didn't blend into the body design-wise, and the switchable sound attack weapons also lacked design refinement that made them look cheap. The rotor head was thick, too. As a toy, pretty decent little helicopter. I don't like the sound attack ported weapons, and really felt let-down by this FANG incarnation.
I missed the 25th Anniversary F.A.N.G. I saw one box with it at a time when I was not as well-employed, so I passed, and didn't get one.... now I would kind of like a couple, rather than eventually finding some old '83 models. Anyone have one or more to spare? No pilot required!
On pilots, I dig the Gyro-Vipers for my FANG II's. I had one MAMBA that I found used, but it had a cracked wing at the back. The MAMBA is kind of neat, too. Inter-meshing rotor blades is another neat advanced helicopter design on top of tilt-rotor. Cobra was really on top of things when it came to vertical deployment back in the day (don't forget the Rattler and Hurricane VTOL!!). With the large size, my MAMBA left years ago. The Gyro vipers are suited up well for open cockpit flight, though, and the helmets and purple-ish should pads help them visually fit into the FANG II for me. I think the name fits, too, unlike a simple helicopter, the Gyro Viper would have to be a very skilled pilot to fly any non-standard craft. Especially one that will have blades spinning just a short ways from their pilots body, not to mention four close rocket launches!
I was hoping to see some kind of new FANG coming out at some point, but what would be the "next thing?"
I was thinking an inter-meshing single-seater, myself.
That one isn't too bad, this one is more mechanical looking.
to buy or not, Fury, Vamp, and others...
I like the Rage, and now the Fury is coming available, as is the new VAMP.
After reading thoughts on the new HISS, which really only came out a few weeks ago, I'm glad I didn't try harder to find it. I think it still looks cool, but if that smooth playability isn't there, I'm not sure I want to spend that much money on it... plus, if the black one is coming out at another time, I would rather have no hurry on my part with the HISS.
With the Fury, though, I was kind of hoping it would match the HISS in color. In various early pictures on the internet it looked almost like both vehicles were the same color as the Snake TRAX, which I would have bought both these vehicles for that reason. As is, the Fury looks mostly purple in what has been posted in pictures. And that is just fine, I would like something to match my FANG II's.
Now, I had one old '90 Rage and two of the '98 Rages. All three really complete, and at the time, I think the "most" numerous of any one type of vehicle. While I really liked the '90, it was the first to go. I can't remember to whom or how I traded it. I wanted a more cohesive looking Cobra force, and since I had two Rages that were the same, I picked those. Eventually I think I sold them as I thought I found the Rage rather limited, and I wanted more HISS tanks. I think I was going for a more versatile traditional tank like selection for what I wanted to have; in some ways just a HISS-Stinger-ASP-FANG-like collection; simple. Unlike in the cartoon, I did could not imagine the Rage barreling over sand dunes.
The Rage was rather limited to its flat urban street environment. The wide stance of the vehicle is really a great design decision to spread its "weight," and allow for an even lower profile. I like the rather large array of weapons the Rage has, too. One pair of huge cannon, a pair of gatling cannon, several mines, an aircraft-grade-like rocket pod, four rockets, a nose "chin-gun," a battering ram/ brush guard, and two features I like: engine hatch and troop handle-bar. That's a lot of fun features. And it carried, what, nine figures with ease? A very fun fighting vehicle, and as I write this, I want to go buy the new FURY. The thing might just sit on the shelf, though, and it's probably got all modern sized foot pegs. And that's how it should be. It still looks pretty cool, though.
My Cobra-verse has been on the more covert side of vehicles, too. Where, with the exception of a few "named" Cobras getting ownership of a "big" vehicle each, I don't think I can think of a "named" Cobra that would need a Fury. My big vehicles are really vehicles that can go a big distance and carry a big the Moray, or Hurricane. Each can cover a variety of areas in the sea or air and bring some destruction or other uses. The Fury would, in my imagination, be limited to flat urban areas, despite the new tires; it would "imagination-wise" get hung up a lot. Very cool vehicle, but, in my mind a very environment specific vehicle. And who would "own" it? My Vipers don't "own" anything and are mostly foot infantry.
Red undercarriage and yellow missiles or not, I think the VAMP looks pretty decent and fun to play with, it seems that it might handle some adventures under use by my 4 year old better than my 25th VAMP. And it would be more fun. I don't know if I want to incorporate the new VAMP into my Joe-verse, though. I'm not big on the tan vehicles. Even though I would like to have it all and more some day, I wanted to have more a green/ woodland camo force. It isn't really working, though; I may have more black and tans in the vehicle department overall (mean dog, night rhino, '01 AWE, tomahawk, etc.).
In my Joe-verse, mobility is my key motor pool issue. I have a dedicated small armored strike vehicle team, but would this new VAMP fit in? My Mean Dog is my LAV, the Night Rhino is my armored transport and battlefield tractor, and the Equalizer is the fast armored tank that counters everything from MBTs to aircraft. Each one of these can tow field support things like the Whirlwind and mountain howitzer to an operating forward location. Had my mobile battle bunker had a tow hook, it most likely would have stayed in this group. The 25th VAMP is the multi-purpose towing vehicle in this setting... it has four-wheel drive, and just enough armament to support the armored vehicles. If anything, the 25th VAMP is something that would mostly likely do perimeter scouting and provide transport for the mobile field pieces. Would the new VAMP add much to my current arrangement? This is a possibility... if it had doors I think it would very much fit with a bit of a light armor look.
Could the new VAMP replace the Mean Dog?
My AWE strikers are more the cavalry scout type vehicles. These guys are their own separate strike team in many ways, but could the new VAMP fit? I'm thinking not. While the new VAMP can carry more and bring a few more guys out in some 4wd action, it's more truck. The AWE strikers are lighter, faster. I can see my Tomahawk or even the Dragonfly lifting an AWE striker, not so much a VAMP. So, for my AWE Striker team, the new VAMP might not be the best fit, but I'll no doubt ponder this more. A classic VAMP fits better with an AWE anyway.
I'm not stressed out over buying toys, but, I'm not sure if I want to get these new vehicles. For now, I'll wait and see how different opinions are posted. I don't want to get something that might just sit on a shelf for no other reason than being somewhat cool.
I was hoping to get everything out for some pictures, too, this weekend, but doesn't look like that will happen. I wanted to set up everything, figures and vehicles in faction shots and all the divisions I've made. Oh well, later than sooner, I suppose.
After reading thoughts on the new HISS, which really only came out a few weeks ago, I'm glad I didn't try harder to find it. I think it still looks cool, but if that smooth playability isn't there, I'm not sure I want to spend that much money on it... plus, if the black one is coming out at another time, I would rather have no hurry on my part with the HISS.
With the Fury, though, I was kind of hoping it would match the HISS in color. In various early pictures on the internet it looked almost like both vehicles were the same color as the Snake TRAX, which I would have bought both these vehicles for that reason. As is, the Fury looks mostly purple in what has been posted in pictures. And that is just fine, I would like something to match my FANG II's.
Now, I had one old '90 Rage and two of the '98 Rages. All three really complete, and at the time, I think the "most" numerous of any one type of vehicle. While I really liked the '90, it was the first to go. I can't remember to whom or how I traded it. I wanted a more cohesive looking Cobra force, and since I had two Rages that were the same, I picked those. Eventually I think I sold them as I thought I found the Rage rather limited, and I wanted more HISS tanks. I think I was going for a more versatile traditional tank like selection for what I wanted to have; in some ways just a HISS-Stinger-ASP-FANG-like collection; simple. Unlike in the cartoon, I did could not imagine the Rage barreling over sand dunes.
The Rage was rather limited to its flat urban street environment. The wide stance of the vehicle is really a great design decision to spread its "weight," and allow for an even lower profile. I like the rather large array of weapons the Rage has, too. One pair of huge cannon, a pair of gatling cannon, several mines, an aircraft-grade-like rocket pod, four rockets, a nose "chin-gun," a battering ram/ brush guard, and two features I like: engine hatch and troop handle-bar. That's a lot of fun features. And it carried, what, nine figures with ease? A very fun fighting vehicle, and as I write this, I want to go buy the new FURY. The thing might just sit on the shelf, though, and it's probably got all modern sized foot pegs. And that's how it should be. It still looks pretty cool, though.
My Cobra-verse has been on the more covert side of vehicles, too. Where, with the exception of a few "named" Cobras getting ownership of a "big" vehicle each, I don't think I can think of a "named" Cobra that would need a Fury. My big vehicles are really vehicles that can go a big distance and carry a big the Moray, or Hurricane. Each can cover a variety of areas in the sea or air and bring some destruction or other uses. The Fury would, in my imagination, be limited to flat urban areas, despite the new tires; it would "imagination-wise" get hung up a lot. Very cool vehicle, but, in my mind a very environment specific vehicle. And who would "own" it? My Vipers don't "own" anything and are mostly foot infantry.
Red undercarriage and yellow missiles or not, I think the VAMP looks pretty decent and fun to play with, it seems that it might handle some adventures under use by my 4 year old better than my 25th VAMP. And it would be more fun. I don't know if I want to incorporate the new VAMP into my Joe-verse, though. I'm not big on the tan vehicles. Even though I would like to have it all and more some day, I wanted to have more a green/ woodland camo force. It isn't really working, though; I may have more black and tans in the vehicle department overall (mean dog, night rhino, '01 AWE, tomahawk, etc.).
In my Joe-verse, mobility is my key motor pool issue. I have a dedicated small armored strike vehicle team, but would this new VAMP fit in? My Mean Dog is my LAV, the Night Rhino is my armored transport and battlefield tractor, and the Equalizer is the fast armored tank that counters everything from MBTs to aircraft. Each one of these can tow field support things like the Whirlwind and mountain howitzer to an operating forward location. Had my mobile battle bunker had a tow hook, it most likely would have stayed in this group. The 25th VAMP is the multi-purpose towing vehicle in this setting... it has four-wheel drive, and just enough armament to support the armored vehicles. If anything, the 25th VAMP is something that would mostly likely do perimeter scouting and provide transport for the mobile field pieces. Would the new VAMP add much to my current arrangement? This is a possibility... if it had doors I think it would very much fit with a bit of a light armor look.
Could the new VAMP replace the Mean Dog?
My AWE strikers are more the cavalry scout type vehicles. These guys are their own separate strike team in many ways, but could the new VAMP fit? I'm thinking not. While the new VAMP can carry more and bring a few more guys out in some 4wd action, it's more truck. The AWE strikers are lighter, faster. I can see my Tomahawk or even the Dragonfly lifting an AWE striker, not so much a VAMP. So, for my AWE Striker team, the new VAMP might not be the best fit, but I'll no doubt ponder this more. A classic VAMP fits better with an AWE anyway.
I'm not stressed out over buying toys, but, I'm not sure if I want to get these new vehicles. For now, I'll wait and see how different opinions are posted. I don't want to get something that might just sit on a shelf for no other reason than being somewhat cool.
I was hoping to get everything out for some pictures, too, this weekend, but doesn't look like that will happen. I wanted to set up everything, figures and vehicles in faction shots and all the divisions I've made. Oh well, later than sooner, I suppose.
Cobra la, nemesis enforcer, and coil ramblings
Cobra La is out there. I don't "hate" it, but it has never been a part of the core of my Joe-verse, or Cobra-verse.
I've only got one original Nemesis Enforcer out of this lot of creatures, and he's a well-used figure that made it into my collection only through a series of trades where I was looking for anything from the original-ARAH line I didn't have.
Nemesis Enforcer has become part of my "Coil." Not an original name on my part, and very much inspired by the 2006 Convention set (GIJCC) and the DDP comic series. This is really a good example of how the outer world influenced my Joe collecting. Namely, in this case, this was how I resolved what to do with those strange figures that didn't or couldn't "fit" in my Cobra-verse. Put them into the Coil, with a revived Serpentor at the head, former Cobra traitors, oddities, and un-trust-worthies right behind him.
Currently, Nemesis Enforcer in my world is a formerly non-living person who is now something along the lines of the classic Incredible Hulk persona for me. Not green and mean, but a grunting, unfeeling brute who excels at close personal combat and general tearing up of commanded by Serpentor.
Essentially, my Coil is where anything Cobra La that I acquire will be put. Serpentor also has Dr. Mindbender and Overlord at his side. These two have too many traitorous traits to be trusted by Cobra.
The 2006 Mercenaries GIJCC sets Coil team is the fanatical super soldier bunch that does the fighting and whatever Serpentor demands. Even though, as much as I like the green and gold of the GIJCC Coil figures, I can't help but think of TARGATs. Especially if TARGATs are on the shelf right next to the Coil Troopers. Should Coil Troopers get their own flying rocket packs, too?
With the mention of TARGATs, I also have to bring up the Nullifier (1988). Where, for as long as I have been staring at pictures of Iron Grenadiers, Nullifiers were the pilots of the A.G.P., now, I'm wondering if they should be aligned with Cobra La, as they were originally intended to be? The tan colors are there with the strange hieroglyph-like symbols, and these guys sit right perfect next to Nemesis Enforcer (he has the medallion with the hieroglyph-like symbol AND the same tan colors as the Nullifiers).
This would be a major -realignment/ re-imagining on my part, however. TARGATs could easily take over my A.G.P.s operation. For now, this idea is on a side-burner. I can always put a figure in a bag in one pile and move it around whenever.
I've only got one original Nemesis Enforcer out of this lot of creatures, and he's a well-used figure that made it into my collection only through a series of trades where I was looking for anything from the original-ARAH line I didn't have.
Nemesis Enforcer has become part of my "Coil." Not an original name on my part, and very much inspired by the 2006 Convention set (GIJCC) and the DDP comic series. This is really a good example of how the outer world influenced my Joe collecting. Namely, in this case, this was how I resolved what to do with those strange figures that didn't or couldn't "fit" in my Cobra-verse. Put them into the Coil, with a revived Serpentor at the head, former Cobra traitors, oddities, and un-trust-worthies right behind him.
Currently, Nemesis Enforcer in my world is a formerly non-living person who is now something along the lines of the classic Incredible Hulk persona for me. Not green and mean, but a grunting, unfeeling brute who excels at close personal combat and general tearing up of commanded by Serpentor.
Essentially, my Coil is where anything Cobra La that I acquire will be put. Serpentor also has Dr. Mindbender and Overlord at his side. These two have too many traitorous traits to be trusted by Cobra.
The 2006 Mercenaries GIJCC sets Coil team is the fanatical super soldier bunch that does the fighting and whatever Serpentor demands. Even though, as much as I like the green and gold of the GIJCC Coil figures, I can't help but think of TARGATs. Especially if TARGATs are on the shelf right next to the Coil Troopers. Should Coil Troopers get their own flying rocket packs, too?
With the mention of TARGATs, I also have to bring up the Nullifier (1988). Where, for as long as I have been staring at pictures of Iron Grenadiers, Nullifiers were the pilots of the A.G.P., now, I'm wondering if they should be aligned with Cobra La, as they were originally intended to be? The tan colors are there with the strange hieroglyph-like symbols, and these guys sit right perfect next to Nemesis Enforcer (he has the medallion with the hieroglyph-like symbol AND the same tan colors as the Nullifiers).
This would be a major -realignment/ re-imagining on my part, however. TARGATs could easily take over my A.G.P.s operation. For now, this idea is on a side-burner. I can always put a figure in a bag in one pile and move it around whenever.
As I look at a lot of my stuff, I often consider discarding stuff simply since I don't usually think about some of it; let alone get any use out of it.
I thought I would try putting Raptor up in the public forums to see what everyone else might think of the guy.
With the file card, accessories, and the figures costume (as in clothing) design, I can put some imagination with that, and I usually see a figure/ character that I can integrate into the grander scheme of the imaginary Joe-verse.
Raptor has been more an exception to this, though. I think I made mention of my views of Big Boa already, a possibly awesome character, imo. Croc Master is kinda out there, too, but really, a guy that wrestles crocs is gonna be tough... this guy hasn't had a big Joe-verse break-through here, although I do feel some potential. Crystal Ball is a guy that I think could come out of field much like Dr. Mindbender really did, but I think Crystal Ball could be some kind of Command and Conquer Yuri-like mind-master. A touch of the supernatural could be kind of fun, too, but I'll probably delve into Crystal Ball later with his own paragraph in this blog.
That leaves Raptor out of the main Cobra individuals from 1987. I like the individuals in Cobra. In my mind, any individual really *could* be a former Viper with a name, or just so good at something where Cobra Commander is going to pay for some services.
However, Raptor is a falconer. I think any animal training is a neat thing, in the imagination and real world, but, can birds of prey be THAT threatening? Or THAT threatening for THAT long?
Poison tipped steel talons could be pretty crazy... and deadly. I suppose, too, what would be the defense for that, from a ground foot soldiers perspective? How many birds would it take to overwhelm, or at most distract, or disorient? How long does a bird take to get trained? Perhaps I don't know my birds-of-prey as well as I should?
But, these are the attributes of the birds. Without the birds, Raptor is a guy in a bird suit. Has this yuppie tax consultant trained in some kind of martial art that mimics the attack pattern of owls? What can Raptor do, besides train birds while he sits in a bird cage dressed in a bird suit?
Is my imagination limited by what little is given in the file card, and what I've seen in the comic?
Perhaps I should read up on the personality of a bird of prey to understand the personality of Raptor?
Raptor on JBL
I thought I would try putting Raptor up in the public forums to see what everyone else might think of the guy.
With the file card, accessories, and the figures costume (as in clothing) design, I can put some imagination with that, and I usually see a figure/ character that I can integrate into the grander scheme of the imaginary Joe-verse.
Raptor has been more an exception to this, though. I think I made mention of my views of Big Boa already, a possibly awesome character, imo. Croc Master is kinda out there, too, but really, a guy that wrestles crocs is gonna be tough... this guy hasn't had a big Joe-verse break-through here, although I do feel some potential. Crystal Ball is a guy that I think could come out of field much like Dr. Mindbender really did, but I think Crystal Ball could be some kind of Command and Conquer Yuri-like mind-master. A touch of the supernatural could be kind of fun, too, but I'll probably delve into Crystal Ball later with his own paragraph in this blog.
That leaves Raptor out of the main Cobra individuals from 1987. I like the individuals in Cobra. In my mind, any individual really *could* be a former Viper with a name, or just so good at something where Cobra Commander is going to pay for some services.
However, Raptor is a falconer. I think any animal training is a neat thing, in the imagination and real world, but, can birds of prey be THAT threatening? Or THAT threatening for THAT long?
Poison tipped steel talons could be pretty crazy... and deadly. I suppose, too, what would be the defense for that, from a ground foot soldiers perspective? How many birds would it take to overwhelm, or at most distract, or disorient? How long does a bird take to get trained? Perhaps I don't know my birds-of-prey as well as I should?
But, these are the attributes of the birds. Without the birds, Raptor is a guy in a bird suit. Has this yuppie tax consultant trained in some kind of martial art that mimics the attack pattern of owls? What can Raptor do, besides train birds while he sits in a bird cage dressed in a bird suit?
Is my imagination limited by what little is given in the file card, and what I've seen in the comic?
Perhaps I should read up on the personality of a bird of prey to understand the personality of Raptor?
Raptor on JBL
random road thoughts
I get to drive a little bit all over for my current job, and while I rather dislike my job and the boss, the driving part does have the advantage of me being able to stop in most locations all over the eastern/ southeastern border of Wisconsin.
I've been thinking of changing up my current runs to incorporate an overnight over that way, SO WISCONSIN JOE FANS, if you're reading this, let me know! Maybe we can get some small meets or something in the future or something, since I would have nothing else to do once I shut the truck down. Some meet-ups would really be the only benefit for me to do overnights, as I wouldn't get paid for sleeping. (boss is rich but cheap)
Either way, I didn't stop at the Toys R Us stores I could have, in Green Bay on Mason, or the Appleton store. The new vehicles, and just being a toy fan in general, really got me interested in stopping. Paying full retail is something I didn't want to do, so I skipped, I do keep an eye on the internet for TRU store sales.
I did stop in at the Oshkosh Target. There were NO figures, just the new Ghost Hawk and Doom cycle. A pair of each. And there were a few '09 Night Ravens at almost full price. Even if I was a kid, the Raven isn't $40-some after tax cool that I can tell. Even with me wanting to keep large vehicles to the minimum, I can't give up my Night Raven-'86. THAT is a $40 craft. Even from an objective "need" view that I've taken with many favorite vehicles, the '86 is just plain sleek and the shiz. I said shiz, because it is that cool. The '09, maybe a fun toy, just with so many angles it quickly loses grace.
I am kind of interested in the Hawk and Cycle, but really, neither are very big "needs." The Cycle is almost a "need," as my Dreadnoks are riding just the Thundermachine currently, and may take full ownership on the Sting Raider. The price is my deterrent, and it's hard to tell if my old mold collection will fit to my liking on the thing.
I've been thinking of changing up my current runs to incorporate an overnight over that way, SO WISCONSIN JOE FANS, if you're reading this, let me know! Maybe we can get some small meets or something in the future or something, since I would have nothing else to do once I shut the truck down. Some meet-ups would really be the only benefit for me to do overnights, as I wouldn't get paid for sleeping. (boss is rich but cheap)
Either way, I didn't stop at the Toys R Us stores I could have, in Green Bay on Mason, or the Appleton store. The new vehicles, and just being a toy fan in general, really got me interested in stopping. Paying full retail is something I didn't want to do, so I skipped, I do keep an eye on the internet for TRU store sales.
I did stop in at the Oshkosh Target. There were NO figures, just the new Ghost Hawk and Doom cycle. A pair of each. And there were a few '09 Night Ravens at almost full price. Even if I was a kid, the Raven isn't $40-some after tax cool that I can tell. Even with me wanting to keep large vehicles to the minimum, I can't give up my Night Raven-'86. THAT is a $40 craft. Even from an objective "need" view that I've taken with many favorite vehicles, the '86 is just plain sleek and the shiz. I said shiz, because it is that cool. The '09, maybe a fun toy, just with so many angles it quickly loses grace.
I am kind of interested in the Hawk and Cycle, but really, neither are very big "needs." The Cycle is almost a "need," as my Dreadnoks are riding just the Thundermachine currently, and may take full ownership on the Sting Raider. The price is my deterrent, and it's hard to tell if my old mold collection will fit to my liking on the thing.
Cobra Vipers and wishful thinking
The 1986 Cobra Viper has been my base view of everything Cobra. Well-equipped and trained, motivated by money and power. When one cross-references between classic file cards I think there is more than meets the eye to the grunts of Cobra. I would SO like to see a visit to the base Viper corps from this angle, ... enter into it from the perspective of a new recruit maybe. We never really got that in the "classic" days, rather we got "blue-shirts" running around always getting trounced by more personable good guys in the cartoon. The most personable Viper I can think of is the SAW-Viper from the mass-kill of Joes in the Marvel comic. I guess I kind of think of when he's throwing drinks back with the women in one panel telling the "hierarchy" to shut-it.
Mercer is the only other Viper, but he's become a mercenary. Was he a mercenary before Cobra? This is a guy that would be interesting to investigate more into...
Sometime I'll have to dig out the Marvel comics I have and see if I am wrong about the Vipers and their personalities that I've so far mentioned. I haven't been reading any of the new comics in the last couple years, I really stopped after a couple of years of the DDP issues, started again with the America's Elite, but, I just couldn't get into those. Not that I'm THAT into the Marvel comics, but at least with Marvel and Mr. Hama it felt more cohesive with the toys file cards.
Ultimate toy wish for me is an all-blue-based Viper infantry fire team, and since it's my fantasy-that-will-never-be pack, it would be all classic arah-style and I'm not limiting my pack to 6, 7, or 8. I'm maxing this thing out.
6-1986 Vipers
4-1994 Vipers
1-1990 SAW Viper
1-1989 Frag Viper
1-1990 Laser Viper
1-1989 HEAT Viper
1-1992 Flak Viper
*new* Viper-recruit--first tour of duty viper, looks much like '86.
*new* Viper-officer--'86-based, but no faceplate on the helmet, just safety specs.
Ok, so this will probably change the next time I think about this. And this is just the infantry component. No drivers, arctic, sea, etc., they're their own packs!!
But back to personality. Think about who might join the army in real life, or someone just looking for opportunity of any kind. I think a Viper is a type of person who doesn't have anything else to believe in, other than their own personal advancement; no philosophical or ideology that dictates what they do--not this at all. I don't think they are all full-time bad-to-the-bone always brawlin' street thugs at all, either; that's Dreadnoks. Just like a normal real-life everyday workplace, one needs dependable employees with some kind of education smarts in them. Think about the Motor Viper file card 1986, the "Recon and Perimeter Defense force" attracts the type of individual who likes danger and drives fast, WITHOUT the benefit of an education this type of person might join the Dreadnoks. And then consider that "everyone" starts as a Viper, so in my mind anyway, Vipers are not flunkies.
Probably sounds like I think of Cobra as an Equal Opportunity Employer. No person is going to put their lives into peril unless there is some kind of reward at the end of tunnel, and that depends on the person. Cobra can make that happen, or perhaps the front company(s). And that's where the Crimson Guard, Extensive Enterprises, and ARBCO, really make Cobra that more real. Perhaps Vipers are initially employed in a factory making Marauder NVR rifles, and then after 5 termed tours of action or something, get a piece of stock in that factory. Basically something to appeal to the reward side of things: do this, this, and this, and if all these things "goals" are met, one gets all "that." And if all "that" isn't enough, there's extra duty as, say, a ROCK Viper, where one could get 4 times of "that." But, consider that final graduation risk, too.
More to come on this at various points in the future...
Mercer is the only other Viper, but he's become a mercenary. Was he a mercenary before Cobra? This is a guy that would be interesting to investigate more into...
Sometime I'll have to dig out the Marvel comics I have and see if I am wrong about the Vipers and their personalities that I've so far mentioned. I haven't been reading any of the new comics in the last couple years, I really stopped after a couple of years of the DDP issues, started again with the America's Elite, but, I just couldn't get into those. Not that I'm THAT into the Marvel comics, but at least with Marvel and Mr. Hama it felt more cohesive with the toys file cards.
Ultimate toy wish for me is an all-blue-based Viper infantry fire team, and since it's my fantasy-that-will-never-be pack, it would be all classic arah-style and I'm not limiting my pack to 6, 7, or 8. I'm maxing this thing out.
6-1986 Vipers
4-1994 Vipers
1-1990 SAW Viper
1-1989 Frag Viper
1-1990 Laser Viper
1-1989 HEAT Viper
1-1992 Flak Viper
*new* Viper-recruit--first tour of duty viper, looks much like '86.
*new* Viper-officer--'86-based, but no faceplate on the helmet, just safety specs.
Ok, so this will probably change the next time I think about this. And this is just the infantry component. No drivers, arctic, sea, etc., they're their own packs!!
But back to personality. Think about who might join the army in real life, or someone just looking for opportunity of any kind. I think a Viper is a type of person who doesn't have anything else to believe in, other than their own personal advancement; no philosophical or ideology that dictates what they do--not this at all. I don't think they are all full-time bad-to-the-bone always brawlin' street thugs at all, either; that's Dreadnoks. Just like a normal real-life everyday workplace, one needs dependable employees with some kind of education smarts in them. Think about the Motor Viper file card 1986, the "Recon and Perimeter Defense force" attracts the type of individual who likes danger and drives fast, WITHOUT the benefit of an education this type of person might join the Dreadnoks. And then consider that "everyone" starts as a Viper, so in my mind anyway, Vipers are not flunkies.
Probably sounds like I think of Cobra as an Equal Opportunity Employer. No person is going to put their lives into peril unless there is some kind of reward at the end of tunnel, and that depends on the person. Cobra can make that happen, or perhaps the front company(s). And that's where the Crimson Guard, Extensive Enterprises, and ARBCO, really make Cobra that more real. Perhaps Vipers are initially employed in a factory making Marauder NVR rifles, and then after 5 termed tours of action or something, get a piece of stock in that factory. Basically something to appeal to the reward side of things: do this, this, and this, and if all these things "goals" are met, one gets all "that." And if all "that" isn't enough, there's extra duty as, say, a ROCK Viper, where one could get 4 times of "that." But, consider that final graduation risk, too.
More to come on this at various points in the future...
random shot

I was once an I.D. student...once a student... aarraaaaghg onccceee a stuuuudeenntt.. (get the Cobra Commander "once a man" thing...? maybe not.)
Anyway, for a presentation techniques class, we had a weekly hand rendering project where we essentially had to copy an existing rendering, usually out of a marker rendering textbook or something. I liked these in that it really got us to look closer at what went into these works and got us hands-on practice for something very few people did even 10 years ago.
I was passing through my current basement, and when we moved in here I had put a couple of the results of these projects on the wall. I thought I would try one for a background shot combined with this really odd piece of petrified wood in the foreground. Something to do, anyway.
I thought I'd put Recoil and Footloose into the scene. Here's two Joes that are really rather pretty good looking figures that don't get much internet play time that I see. With so many "core" characters coming out new and taking up the bulk of what are on the "front-shelves" that is to be expected, though.
Unless you're like me and still play with old stuff I really only fairly recently acquired.

Did I spell that right, armroire? Armwar? armore?
Well, since I can't spell it, I'll just say, "big fancy cabinet." (BFC from here.)
So, we got this BFC for this computer terminal, and it works to a point, but is really just a BFC. I'm half tempted to try two of these things as a GIJOE cabinets. (Big fancy GIJoe cabinets from here.)
I was thinking a pair of BFGC would be good, one for the good guys, one for the bad guys.
I think for the Joes, for the BFC we have, the size would work really well for the BFGC. The top should be able to accommodate the '83 HQ, and with shelves placed on the wall behind and above, the "motor pool" should fit well. The inside with have some kind of figure storage. Right now, I'm thinking it would be sorted like my departments breakdown that I did awhile back. A "security" rack, a "medical" rack, a "sea" rack, a "pilot" rack, etc.
Cobra would mirror this, however, with no Terrordrome to top it off, what would go there? The "bad guys" in my mind are split into separate groups for the most part. Only working together for mutual benefit. So, perhaps the top would be more of an airstrip? Or maybe a "blank" area that could be the spot a lot generic battlefield items and such could be. Or perhaps it is time to hunt down a Terrordrome, no, even better is that that Molten Monkey International Virus base would be available by the time I actually get this kind of project rolling. That would be cool. (see how random my thoughts get as I think about this stuff?)
In between these two BFGC's is my bed. Actually, I would have some kind of a desktop/ flattop between these, with some drawing supplies underneath on shelves, and then suspended above on the back wall some more shelves?
So many ways to do organize GIJoe stuff, only thing keeping me off even simple projects like this is that I'll have to move it all at some point. I would dislike getting all comfortable and spread out, only to have to pack it up. Again.
Well, since I can't spell it, I'll just say, "big fancy cabinet." (BFC from here.)
So, we got this BFC for this computer terminal, and it works to a point, but is really just a BFC. I'm half tempted to try two of these things as a GIJOE cabinets. (Big fancy GIJoe cabinets from here.)
I was thinking a pair of BFGC would be good, one for the good guys, one for the bad guys.
I think for the Joes, for the BFC we have, the size would work really well for the BFGC. The top should be able to accommodate the '83 HQ, and with shelves placed on the wall behind and above, the "motor pool" should fit well. The inside with have some kind of figure storage. Right now, I'm thinking it would be sorted like my departments breakdown that I did awhile back. A "security" rack, a "medical" rack, a "sea" rack, a "pilot" rack, etc.
Cobra would mirror this, however, with no Terrordrome to top it off, what would go there? The "bad guys" in my mind are split into separate groups for the most part. Only working together for mutual benefit. So, perhaps the top would be more of an airstrip? Or maybe a "blank" area that could be the spot a lot generic battlefield items and such could be. Or perhaps it is time to hunt down a Terrordrome, no, even better is that that Molten Monkey International Virus base would be available by the time I actually get this kind of project rolling. That would be cool. (see how random my thoughts get as I think about this stuff?)
In between these two BFGC's is my bed. Actually, I would have some kind of a desktop/ flattop between these, with some drawing supplies underneath on shelves, and then suspended above on the back wall some more shelves?
So many ways to do organize GIJoe stuff, only thing keeping me off even simple projects like this is that I'll have to move it all at some point. I would dislike getting all comfortable and spread out, only to have to pack it up. Again.
Feel like hunting!
I only ended up owning a Patriot Grizzly after seeing the JBL review along with other input online. In the end, I really didn't like that thing, with the limited turret range, no driver hatch, having to remove the ".50" to close that hatch. It had some good points like the little rear hatch and the gun knob was pretty neat to use for firing the cannon. But that thing was just too big for me in the end, not much detail. I think a more detailed thing was more what I'm looking for.
Where with some of the new vehicles, that detail angle is probably what has me pumped up on these. I was let down on the SNAKE TRAX, but the Sting Raider and Wolf Hound were very nice and well worth getting. Even though I "didn't need."
That Ghost Hawk that is on the verge of being found by me is another that I really like the look of.
Now, I already decided that the Sky Hawk wasn't really necessary. My Dragonfly can do whatever it can do, imo. But the Ghost Hawk looks just plain cool. Worst case scenario is the recruit in the house will get it, but I really like the "updated" look. It really fits my collection in my mind...just as if the Joes took the Sky Hawk and kept upgrading it to be the most competitive little VTOL craft around.
Am I back on vehicles as my main interest?!
Where with some of the new vehicles, that detail angle is probably what has me pumped up on these. I was let down on the SNAKE TRAX, but the Sting Raider and Wolf Hound were very nice and well worth getting. Even though I "didn't need."
That Ghost Hawk that is on the verge of being found by me is another that I really like the look of.
Now, I already decided that the Sky Hawk wasn't really necessary. My Dragonfly can do whatever it can do, imo. But the Ghost Hawk looks just plain cool. Worst case scenario is the recruit in the house will get it, but I really like the "updated" look. It really fits my collection in my mind...just as if the Joes took the Sky Hawk and kept upgrading it to be the most competitive little VTOL craft around.
Am I back on vehicles as my main interest?!
After spending several hours and burning much fuel in search of the Operation: Crimson Strike years ago, or never even seeing just one of the Cobra "blueshirt" packs in that endeavor, really just makes me not want to buy newer stuff anymore. It can be become a job in itself. Even the modern releases that are out in "every" store... I didn't see 3/4 of everything listed on the 2009 archives. I do not want an SDCC Slaughter, especially. And where I think with the GIJCC, there should be "attendee exclusives." It's the "treat," or souvenir, to remind one of a good time in a certain year at a certain GIJOE get together. I don't know if I feel the same way about SDCC, though, I haven't gone, but it looks like a fun time. With a larger market of all sorts of people buying "the Sarge" and re-selling simply since they can... well, that sucks all the fun out of it. And the figure doesn't look THAT good to me.
Should we have the opportunity to have it all, though? What's the real value of a GIJOE toy? I would like to say the simple fun, but I have caught myself viewing my own stuff with the potential to be able to sell for some cash. There's a few figures I can think of right now that I don't use, and am really more forcing myself to keep them due to the very fact that they really are on the low side of availability. I should trade them off, but the "value" makes me think they are better than they possibly are...
Should we have the opportunity to have it all, though? What's the real value of a GIJOE toy? I would like to say the simple fun, but I have caught myself viewing my own stuff with the potential to be able to sell for some cash. There's a few figures I can think of right now that I don't use, and am really more forcing myself to keep them due to the very fact that they really are on the low side of availability. I should trade them off, but the "value" makes me think they are better than they possibly are...

While my toys are still just my toys, the years of cartoons and comics have had some influence on my imagination in regards to Cobra.
This is some of my Cobra hierarchy and some folks I consider more private contractors for Cobra/ Crimson Guard.
Cobra Commander is Cobra, he's got money and resources, and my Commander is more than willing to get into the fray. CC has almost gotten a sort of king treatment, the Cobra Imperial Procession set is a good example of this. It came with a throne. Serpentor likes thrones, my Commander prefers money and power.
Big Boa is a super mercenary commando in my world. He helps trains and advises. Lt. Claymore is a tough trooper that often leads ground troops.
Copperhead is a contractor, he's made his gains over the years, coming out with his own Moray. He still smuggles and runs things for Cobra. Wild Weasel is much the same way, except he takes his game to the air, owning one of the last remaining known Hurricane prototype VTOL craft in existence.
Destro, Dr. Mindbender, and others simply cannot be trusted by Cobra Commander. They were more than willing to turn on the Cobra organization and have shown this over the years. So, where many may consider certain characters "core" to Cobra, I do not.
Scrap-iron has "moved-up." He is the weapons designer for Cobras own arms manufacturing section. Still focusing on armor-defeating munitions, Scrap-iron test, evaluates, and improves on most everything in the Cobra arsenal, rivaling Destro himself!
Croc Master is a relative unknown. He's proven his loyalty to the Commander over the years, mostly by skulking around the grounds and keeping his nose and ears to the ground. Not a leader of security in so much as he knows who's in his territory, who's friendly, and who's foe.
Also in the mix, but not limited to, are Interrogator, Decimator, Night Vulture, Slice, and Dice, and Dr. Lewis.
Stopped at TRU...again!
Well, I made a sort of follow-up stop to TRU in Appleton. I liked the Wolf Hound and Sting Raider. They had a buy one get one free on action figures sale. Now, I don't really have too much interest in the RoC figures, but I thought I would just take a peek.
Really, nothing much new from the last time I was there! They had a full re-stock on the exclusive Sting Raiders, but mostly the same RoC figures that were there before. I think they had more of those Steel Crushers, too. And there's plenty of Attack on the Pit sets...but the Mole pods didn't seem as obvious abundant as they did at the last visit.
I was hoping in a little way that the Ghost Hawk and Dreadnok trike would be there. They look pretty good, and I'm very interested just to get a close look at what was changed on the old Sky Hawk this time around. That 25th version looked pretty sweet, but I only saw it once. I think this next round of reissues might be more interesting in that some have really good enhancements.
Really, nothing much new from the last time I was there! They had a full re-stock on the exclusive Sting Raiders, but mostly the same RoC figures that were there before. I think they had more of those Steel Crushers, too. And there's plenty of Attack on the Pit sets...but the Mole pods didn't seem as obvious abundant as they did at the last visit.
I was hoping in a little way that the Ghost Hawk and Dreadnok trike would be there. They look pretty good, and I'm very interested just to get a close look at what was changed on the old Sky Hawk this time around. That 25th version looked pretty sweet, but I only saw it once. I think this next round of reissues might be more interesting in that some have really good enhancements.
Is it the thrill of buying something new where now I want to buy more? Was my recent purchases of the Sting Raider, Wolf Hound, SNAKE, and Snake TRAX, something that got me some strange psycho-short-term thrill?
I like the stuff I got, really like the Sting Raider and Wolf Hound. I like the looks of all the new 2010 vehicles coming down the pipeline. Even where I made the decision back in like 2003-2004 to get rid of my Rage tanks, I sort of wouldn't mind buying the new one. I don't "need," but still... Maybe I miss my old vehicles? Or maybe as I was really originally more of a vehicle fan, I've been fooling myself, and I still am a vehicle fan more-so?
I like the stuff I got, really like the Sting Raider and Wolf Hound. I like the looks of all the new 2010 vehicles coming down the pipeline. Even where I made the decision back in like 2003-2004 to get rid of my Rage tanks, I sort of wouldn't mind buying the new one. I don't "need," but still... Maybe I miss my old vehicles? Or maybe as I was really originally more of a vehicle fan, I've been fooling myself, and I still am a vehicle fan more-so?
updated icebreaker post UPDATE
Previous to 'icebreaker' as an avatar, I used a scan off Cutter from his 1992 DEF package.
However, I've been using the frontal view "icebreaker" character online since 2005 or 2006. Somewhere at the tail end of the Venom Vs. Valor theme, anyway. Hence the background on my avatar with that green VvV package background. I've been wanting to update it off that VvV theme, but I don't have the original drawing I used to make it.

I'm going to try this updated 'icebreaker' for awhile. Here is a drawing based off an actual Coast Guard members picture. I wanted to incorporate a rescue jumper or port security feel, nothing really super special operation about it. Pretty basic, a PJ on shore look or something. With the beard that is more common than the previously more common goatee (actual life impacting art, I guess...). I went with a regular orange vest, so in this view "icebreaker" may be on guard at the docks, or out on a vessel repelling boarders, or being the guy boarding another vessel. I had no background in mind, so I went with a flag and somewhat classic, somewhat modern hand drawn "gijoe" title. Kind of generic, so I may rethink the background at some point. I'll keep this drawing around to play with another day.

Edited: I reworked a printed black and white of my VvV Icebreaker, so I think I'll go with that one, at least until I can get a better pose, or a chance to work on the "shotgun" pose...
However, I've been using the frontal view "icebreaker" character online since 2005 or 2006. Somewhere at the tail end of the Venom Vs. Valor theme, anyway. Hence the background on my avatar with that green VvV package background. I've been wanting to update it off that VvV theme, but I don't have the original drawing I used to make it.

I'm going to try this updated 'icebreaker' for awhile. Here is a drawing based off an actual Coast Guard members picture. I wanted to incorporate a rescue jumper or port security feel, nothing really super special operation about it. Pretty basic, a PJ on shore look or something. With the beard that is more common than the previously more common goatee (actual life impacting art, I guess...). I went with a regular orange vest, so in this view "icebreaker" may be on guard at the docks, or out on a vessel repelling boarders, or being the guy boarding another vessel. I had no background in mind, so I went with a flag and somewhat classic, somewhat modern hand drawn "gijoe" title. Kind of generic, so I may rethink the background at some point. I'll keep this drawing around to play with another day.

Edited: I reworked a printed black and white of my VvV Icebreaker, so I think I'll go with that one, at least until I can get a better pose, or a chance to work on the "shotgun" pose...

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