About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.



As I look at a lot of my stuff, I often consider discarding stuff simply since I don't usually think about some of it; let alone get any use out of it.

I thought I would try putting Raptor up in the public forums to see what everyone else might think of the guy.

With the file card, accessories, and the figures costume (as in clothing) design, I can put some imagination with that, and I usually see a figure/ character that I can integrate into the grander scheme of the imaginary Joe-verse.

Raptor has been more an exception to this, though. I think I made mention of my views of Big Boa already, a possibly awesome character, imo. Croc Master is kinda out there, too, but really, a guy that wrestles crocs is gonna be tough... this guy hasn't had a big Joe-verse break-through here, although I do feel some potential. Crystal Ball is a guy that I think could come out of field much like Dr. Mindbender really did, but I think Crystal Ball could be some kind of Command and Conquer Yuri-like mind-master. A touch of the supernatural could be kind of fun, too, but I'll probably delve into Crystal Ball later with his own paragraph in this blog.

That leaves Raptor out of the main Cobra individuals from 1987. I like the individuals in Cobra. In my mind, any individual really *could* be a former Viper with a name, or just so good at something where Cobra Commander is going to pay for some services.

However, Raptor is a falconer. I think any animal training is a neat thing, in the imagination and real world, but, can birds of prey be THAT threatening? Or THAT threatening for THAT long?
Poison tipped steel talons could be pretty crazy... and deadly. I suppose, too, what would be the defense for that, from a ground foot soldiers perspective? How many birds would it take to overwhelm, or at most distract, or disorient? How long does a bird take to get trained? Perhaps I don't know my birds-of-prey as well as I should?

But, these are the attributes of the birds. Without the birds, Raptor is a guy in a bird suit. Has this yuppie tax consultant trained in some kind of martial art that mimics the attack pattern of owls? What can Raptor do, besides train birds while he sits in a bird cage dressed in a bird suit?

Is my imagination limited by what little is given in the file card, and what I've seen in the comic?

Perhaps I should read up on the personality of a bird of prey to understand the personality of Raptor?

Raptor on JBL