The Talking Battle Commander Cobra Commander was a Christmas present, this was my first "hooded" Cobra Commander. A "hooded" Cobra Commander is a necessary thing, previously I was using a second hand battered '87 battle armored CC.
Also, the Talking Battle Commander Overkill was a Christmas gift at the same time. This was pretty cool, a super BAT so advanced. I thought it was pretty cool, except for those sound packs on the back. (that was a poor idea, and I don't give low opinions on a lot of stuff) It took me awhile to take the packs of these guys, everything really got taken pretty good care of and taking things apart was contrary to my M.O.
Eco-Warriors were out this year, I bought these on clearance at the Childrens Palace in Duluth, probably in 1993 or 1994, when that store closed. They were the bulk of what was left of that stores stock by the time I got up to that store. Sludge Viper hasn't been that interesting to me, maybe the colors are the detractor, but the Toxo-Vipers I feel are a perfect complement to the '88 Toxo Vipers. I may do a squad build on these guys at some point, they have a nice blue and green overall.
Now the battle helmet Cobra Commander here got some use, I think I bought this one myself. I still totally dig his gun, and the overall style is not too far out there, I think the arms kind of killed the fun on this guy for me. Yeah, a lot like that '91 Duke, the arms won't get close enough to the body...something in the shoulder/ torso design. Hard to fit guys like this in older vehicles.

That brings me to the rest of the figures that I've picked up in more recent years. The Snow Serpent and Desert Scorpion are a couple awesome figures I always wanted. I would like to squad build these quite a bit. The Snow Serpent in this fashion is a little more light infantry to its older '85 regular infantry counter part, and I like that. Desert Scorpions are pretty cool, and there's no other desert trooper in the classic sense. And the naming is nice so that it's not all "x" viper this or what not. Sort of how an Eel could have been simply a Diver Trooper, or something.
Interrogator is a major "modern" player in the CobraVerse here, serving as a sort of mysterious henchman that does the Commanders bidding. A sort of quiet character that has a presence that terrifies the Cobra forces. I'll have to expand on this guy at some point.
Night Vulture is a trooper, but, aside from the orange detail, really says commando to me. And instead of building a squad of glider troopers, this figure has become an individual character. A commando for Cobra, as Firefly can't be trusted here, Night Vulture has taken his place.