About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.


Cobra la, nemesis enforcer, and coil ramblings

Cobra La is out there. I don't "hate" it, but it has never been a part of the core of my Joe-verse, or Cobra-verse.
I've only got one original Nemesis Enforcer out of this lot of creatures, and he's a well-used figure that made it into my collection only through a series of trades where I was looking for anything from the original-ARAH line I didn't have.

Nemesis Enforcer has become part of my "Coil." Not an original name on my part, and very much inspired by the 2006 Convention set (GIJCC) and the DDP comic series. This is really a good example of how the outer world influenced my Joe collecting. Namely, in this case, this was how I resolved what to do with those strange figures that didn't or couldn't "fit" in my Cobra-verse. Put them into the Coil, with a revived Serpentor at the head, former Cobra traitors, oddities, and un-trust-worthies right behind him.

Currently, Nemesis Enforcer in my world is a formerly non-living person who is now something along the lines of the classic Incredible Hulk persona for me. Not green and mean, but a grunting, unfeeling brute who excels at close personal combat and general tearing up of things...as commanded by Serpentor.

Essentially, my Coil is where anything Cobra La that I acquire will be put. Serpentor also has Dr. Mindbender and Overlord at his side. These two have too many traitorous traits to be trusted by Cobra.

The 2006 Mercenaries GIJCC sets Coil team is the fanatical super soldier bunch that does the fighting and whatever Serpentor demands. Even though, as much as I like the green and gold of the GIJCC Coil figures, I can't help but think of TARGATs. Especially if TARGATs are on the shelf right next to the Coil Troopers. Should Coil Troopers get their own flying rocket packs, too?

With the mention of TARGATs, I also have to bring up the Nullifier (1988). Where, for as long as I have been staring at pictures of Iron Grenadiers, Nullifiers were the pilots of the A.G.P., now, I'm wondering if they should be aligned with Cobra La, as they were originally intended to be? The tan colors are there with the strange hieroglyph-like symbols, and these guys sit right perfect next to Nemesis Enforcer (he has the medallion with the hieroglyph-like symbol AND the same tan colors as the Nullifiers).

This would be a major -realignment/ re-imagining on my part, however. TARGATs could easily take over my A.G.P.s operation. For now, this idea is on a side-burner. I can always put a figure in a bag in one pile and move it around whenever.