About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.



Not THE Renegades, but

GIJOE Renegades (the HUB).

I very much am enjoying this show. While it is really a much farther departure from the '80's style A Real American Hero GIJOE, I'm finding the story overall just fun.

When I think about how many different takes on GIJOE adventures there have been over the last 15 years, Renegades is farther out there, yet in some ways very familiar.

Since the toy line ended way back in 1994, most new approaches still retained a "good guy" team fighting the forces of the "bad guy" team. Sgt. Savage and his screaming eagles could have very much stayed in the A Real American Hero realm story-wise, but then for toy company reasons the story line shot into GIJOE: EXTREME. Very little ARAH story from the '80's left with this, but still... "bad guys" vs. "good guys" team.

Since 2000 the comics have taken some different approaches to the story's, some re-imagining the whole she-bang. "Updating" the familiar story with current events. Giving certain aspects a new spin, digging deep into character backgrounds. I'm going to stick with thinking about the cartoons, though.

2005's Sigma Six was the toy company's "update." Again. I wasn't huge on that cartoon until they Lt. Stone was introduced. That's when it started getting good, and I was tuning in on a regular basis. Sure, Firefly was extremely different, but essentially, it was all GIJOE vs. COBRA. Er....GIJOE: S6 vs. Cobra. A lot of redress, re-purpose.

The Resolute cartoon was the next thing up since the end of S6, wasn't it? Or should the LIVE movie get in on this.
Either way, a lot of somewhat familiar characters, in action, still "good" vs. "bad."

And while I'm really simplifying a 15-year span of licensed stories, what I remember is GIJOE vs. Cobra. And that's good, that's what I've been playing with since forever.

With Renegades, though, the story is what's capturing my interest. It's moving without getting bogged down with obvious cameos, unnecessary-slow-down-the-action-"props" to the "past." I can watch this cartoon and I'm feeling connected. From episode one we get introduced to characters and the action starts.

It really feels familiar, though. A lot of it is obviously inspired by a lot of different "other" shows. The "A-Team" is the obvious show that it reminds me of. Maybe that's why I like it, the "A-Team" is one of my favorite shows. We all know the fugitives are good, and they are doing good while hounded by the good side. Also, perhaps it is the small "core" team that is being developed. Almost like a Star Trek show where there's a thousand crew members on the 1701-D, but we really only "hang" with a handful of it. But we really got to know those few characters.

On the "bad guy" side, Cobra has taken on the corporate status. This actually makes sense to me. As an adult (hard to believe, huh?), I've found myself looking at my own takes on my GIJOE collection. How does Cobra exist without incurring the wrath of, well, every armed force in the world? How does Cobra move? Why do they exist? Things like this have led me to think of Cobra as a PMC of sorts, with a huge global company ( think ARBCO or Extensive Enterprises) that is fully legit bringing in some money. So the top and bottom end is controlled by Cobra, not only a "ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world...," but an organization is in it for the power and money. Anyone that wants some of that, grab a rifle, and get in line (see my VIPER post).
With Renegades, Cobra seems like the Resident Evil Umbrella company somewhat. I'm not as familiar with Resident Evil past the movies, but I do see that connection. Or any evil-but-legit company in most movies for that matter. OCP in "RoboCop," for example.
Similarities and borrowing aside, Cobra is "good" here. Well, they are perceived that way and are well respected in the Renegades universe it seems. Perhaps this is a reflection of real or fictional culture at present? I know I do not feel like major companies in the real world are looking out for my best interests, rather they want my cash. (Has Hasbro gotten my cash?!? ;) )
I guess, GIJOE has really borrowed from popular culture in quite a few ways since 1982. Lasers. Pro-wrestling. Dinosaurs. Etc. Now, seemingly a "good" company is really "bad," and the major menace to global society is the small, seemingly rogue-ish, "Joes."

That might be why I like Renegades. It's almost like the writers or whoever are having fun.

Sort of like how the 2010-2011 GIJOE figures seem very inspired by the movies "Aliens" and "Predator." In my view, it's obvious. And it's good, good action, good fun, good product.

I'm looking forward to more Renegades. I prefer watching it on YOUTUBE here.

Would I buy Renegade figures? That's something I'll cover in another rambling.

I hope that Renegades does its thing, and does come to a close, though. As much as I would NOT like to have to "start over" with another rendition of GIJOE, there has been more than enough variations on a theme that it would seem logical. And I almost expect it.

Variation and change is good, and I can take what I like and leave the rest. Like Venom vs. Valor, still "good" vs. "bad," but I got a nice Overkill figure, and would like to introduce Venomous Maximus into "my Coil." The rest of it, I'm leaving for now.

What do you think of Renegades? Is it better than Resolute? Spytroops? Extreme?

The Bio Viper is a bit much, I'll say that, but I suppose "real" people can't be hacked to pieces in a cartoon, can they? Would a B.A.T. have worked better than a Bio Viper?
Renegades Mindbender is another I'd leave, and Storm Shadow, while his new arashikage background I like, the costume is not very interesting.

Can Snake eyes do no wrong in any form?