About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.


Can you pick just a few figures to keep?

Well? Could YOU really do it?

A lot of my thoughts may be in this area for awhile. While most of life is always a big set of unknowns, I'm considering a pre-emptive draw down of figures.

Not simply because of the possibly of not having income to stay in a home which serves as storage for my stuff, but partly for maximum enjoyment of what I have. It's like a quote I suppose in a Cheryl Crow song, "It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got."

There's so many things out in the toy and hobby world that I would consider "cool." And I bet I would have a hard time finding people who would disagree on many of the cool things that are out there. But, do I NEED it all? What's the ultimate purpose? Does my collection say anything about me? When I'm dead and gone, does it all just end up in the Goodwill?

With SO many cool GIJOE figures in my collection, it's going to be a hard choice to pick just the essential characters. To start with, I thought I would take a look at the "Original 13" GIJOE members specialties and see if it is something I can perhaps get some good basis for what my potentially small GIJOE team would need.

Laser Rifle
Laser Artillery
Missile Commander
Machine Gunner
Mortar soldier
Counter Intelligence
Tank Commander
Bazooka Soldier

I don't know, are these the essential end-all-be-all tasks that make for the small GIJOE anti-terrorist task force? I think Tank commander, Missile commander, Laser artillery and rifle, and Driver would spots I could nix. So 5, if I kicked out these and replaced them with the next offerings in the line up, I might see which of those are more essential, and nix those I don't think are.

So, to add in the mix:
Machine Gunner
Mortar soldier
Counter Intelligence
Bazooka Soldier
Fighter Pilot
Helicopter Assault trooper
Wolverine Driver
1st Sgt.
Arctic trooper
Mine detector
Helicopter pilot

That gives me 18 on the team. Right now, I think I'll nix Fighter pilot, Wolverine Driver, Mine Detector, and Infantry, and Arctic (we'll put thicker coats on).
Machine Gunner
Mortar soldier
Counter Intelligence
Bazooka Soldier
Helicopter Assault trooper
Helicopter pilot
1st. Sgt.
So, I think I will play with a process like this for a little bit and see which specialties remain, which are nixed, and perhaps by some reasoning I can pick out 13 of the strongest, more needed spots on my potentially tiny team.

Have you ever done this, or are there any specialties on a team that you think a person like me should never go without? Let know!

Maybe I'll even go out to the forums and ask, what are the 13 most important specialties?