About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.


Secret GIJOE Sub team fun

There is no "real" secret GIJOE sub team here. Since I got sent home early from work, I thought I would break out of the mold and see if I could get some crusty old imagination stretched out. This is something I've been thinking about doing for awhile, and I'll probably do more because this was kind of fun. On with the unbounded fun mixes. (A.K.A. "I made up some sub teams for fun.")


No doubt you already know about Tiger Force, and Slaughters Marauders, along with others, but did you know about....

I like how this force looks. What do you think?
Over the years, Hasbro has secretly been building a special unit for a special Tomahawk-borne strike team. I have cracked the secret "hidden" uniform colors that allowed me to identify those team members. Lift Ticket is the key to uncovering the code. All the team members have the same green or tan, or both. Falcon was a little tricky to uncover, but his beret and scarf gave him away!

Wave two uses the "secret" red for the most part, but Lift Tickets "green" is there on Scoop, and Lift-Tickets tan is on Bazooka, and Rampart(?).

How about....

... this unnamed Force
Now I just have to think of a name! It's pretty obvious why I put these guys together, isn't it? And I guess Captain Grid Iron could have gone in there, but his pattern wasn't as visually strong to stand out. Think he should be here?

Ok, so we have the secret Tomahawk force, and a secret camo force, what do you think about:

...Another unnamed team
It is really all about the tan pants. Okay..., I'll admit, this sub team wasn't very inspired. But, don't they look like they could have come in a six-pack together?

Okay, last one for now, I had to go a little more spacey/ sci-fi on this one. Mostly because Dee Jay has a phaser on his left leg. No, really, he does.

This is the sub-team that can exist in the future, or parallel worlds, or whatever crazy "out-there" adventure you can think of.
Back in the day I could have some "out there" adventures with my Joes.

Well, it was short but fun to just mix up some figures visually for no reason other than to make up a team with matching uniforms, or whatever. I like the first Tomahawk force, it's almost really straight-line where it would fit in my usual JoeVerse.
At the same time, my Future Force kind of makes me want to break those figures usual JoeVerse roles and make up something totally new. Maybe a time-traveling force? I'll have to think about that...