Here is a picture of my picks that I have been fairly happy with.
Without my pretend GIJOE operations going out to sea, freezing in the arctic, or flying the friendly skies, I was able to better focus on what I think of as more "basic" figures. Figures that could go in most action scenes without feeling too out of place.
I've got pilots, technical guys, special weapons guys, vehicle specialists, M.P.-types, heavy man-portable weapons guys, as well as figures that could be just regular "army" Joes.
Take a look, what do you think?
Is there a figure in there that you think needs to be swapped with another?
Is there an obvious specialty that you think I can't do without that isn't up there? (keep in mind, I am limited to helicopters, jeeps, and tanks in the motor more dedicated "arctic," "divers," or "jet-jockeys" here.