If you've followed along, you already may know that I made the decision to drastically reduce my collection to a "bare bones" size.
So, I thought I might just throw up some pictures of the awesomeness that "once was."
I'll start with the most recent parts of my collection that "have left the building...," starting my most recent reduction from this past October (2011).
I hope I don't regret the decision to sell. Well, at least for many years when I at that time I will probably buy them all back.
These were the harder "cuts" to make, as some figures had a decent dollar "value" to them. And some figures were just darn cool. There was also the "sub-team" aspect where I didn't want to break up a "sub-team" (I'm strange like that). And even sentiment and nostalgia took a hit on the decision to cut these.
Really, these really were my more favorite toys here.
But pictures are worth a thousand words, and give you the reader something to look at:
But these were just the latest cuts to my collection over the past few years!
More Joes that have left the building will be seen in PART 2!