I never really had a big interest in the Battle Force 2000 vehicles. Sure, I did (and kinda still do) want everything and anything, but when it came to priorities, BF2K was on the low end. I've never had anything but a partial Pulverizer when it comes to BF2K, either.
Now, everyone else might know this, but are there two steerable axles on the Eliminator?
Check it out at the index.
I can't find any pictures online showing them turning, anyone have any to share?
I want to check this out in person now :O !
GIJoe Sites
GIJoe forums
About HQ icebreaker

- icebreaker
- This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.
An A.P.C. and other 6x6 thoughts
While I was searching for real world 6x6 military trucks, I came across THIS APC that is simply awesome looking. I like the old A.P.C. as is just fine, but this project looks like a lot of fun!!! Just imagine if the big H would just toss some springs and tires like this on their toys.
I was originally inspired by the Desert Fox on these searches, I was curious if there was a "jeep" or something that the 'Fox might have been based on. Not a truck, but I was looking for something more jeep-like. With some armor, of course.
There is this site with fascinating jeeps. The "T24 armored scout car" has a slightly similar 'Fox flavor, but I suppose, there are so many real-world vehicles that may have served as inspiration for the Desert Fox.
Other interesting real-world vehicles that came up in search results was the "M53/59 Praga" and "M8 light armored car." There are even "6x6 Landrovers."
Lots of cool stuff out there in the world!
praga m53/59
I was originally inspired by the Desert Fox on these searches, I was curious if there was a "jeep" or something that the 'Fox might have been based on. Not a truck, but I was looking for something more jeep-like. With some armor, of course.
There is this site with fascinating jeeps. The "T24 armored scout car" has a slightly similar 'Fox flavor, but I suppose, there are so many real-world vehicles that may have served as inspiration for the Desert Fox.
Other interesting real-world vehicles that came up in search results was the "M53/59 Praga" and "M8 light armored car." There are even "6x6 Landrovers."
Lots of cool stuff out there in the world!
praga m53/59
I looked at Beachhead just a while ago. As I was deciding "who" was going to be on my small team in the collection, Beachhead (as a character) was sitting on my "B" team up until the last minute.
Beachhead is a good figure, and rather popular character. I don't think many would disagree with me on that. It was that very popularity where I was considering not keeping this figure, in some ways I was thinking I didn't want a limited collection that was going to look like just about every one other collection out there.
In the end, I kicked out Duke, though. And it wasn't because Duke was overly popular, but my Duke was at his core, a Ranger. So is Stalker, but, I don't/ didn't have a Stalker figure that I was happy with, and that left Beachhead as my team's Ranger.
I'm mostly happy with the decision, but, just now, I was thinking I should have kept that Night Force ('05) version. At the time of deciding, I didn't want to go all too dark and drab on my figures colors as a whole....
Either way, Beachhead makes a nice, fairly simply soldier looking figure-toy, but also brings a strong media essence of character to my small team.
I suppose in some ways, this figure also reminds me of my best bud a bit. Even though the figure I have might only be just parts of his original figure mixed into it. It is that very connection to the figure/ character that I have that helps to make my reasoning for it being in my collection so much more personal, too. A shared play experience, perhaps, is the best explanation?
Beachhead is a good figure, and rather popular character. I don't think many would disagree with me on that. It was that very popularity where I was considering not keeping this figure, in some ways I was thinking I didn't want a limited collection that was going to look like just about every one other collection out there.
In the end, I kicked out Duke, though. And it wasn't because Duke was overly popular, but my Duke was at his core, a Ranger. So is Stalker, but, I don't/ didn't have a Stalker figure that I was happy with, and that left Beachhead as my team's Ranger.
I'm mostly happy with the decision, but, just now, I was thinking I should have kept that Night Force ('05) version. At the time of deciding, I didn't want to go all too dark and drab on my figures colors as a whole....
Either way, Beachhead makes a nice, fairly simply soldier looking figure-toy, but also brings a strong media essence of character to my small team.
I suppose in some ways, this figure also reminds me of my best bud a bit. Even though the figure I have might only be just parts of his original figure mixed into it. It is that very connection to the figure/ character that I have that helps to make my reasoning for it being in my collection so much more personal, too. A shared play experience, perhaps, is the best explanation?
Shockwave E-7
MOS: Special weapons and tactics SMOS: Choir
Here's a figure I got from a trade and not too long ago. I'm thinking 2008 into 2009 is about when I traded for this figure, really a still a fairly new-to-me item. I was using the v2 Sure Fire head on the v1 Sure Fire body as my Shockwave for many years. I still continued using my head-swapped-figure as Shockwave really up until it came down to me deciding which figures were going to be on my small GIJoe team. Since my usual Shockwave wasn't THE actual '92 DEF version (with dark hair), I went with the more unfamiliar-to-me, yet most original, 1988 figure.
Over the years, I had a little made-up sub-team in my collection that I thought of as my Security Force, which consisted of figures that were more law-enforcement in nature. Like Law and Mutt, very police-like with their animals. As I was going through my decision process, I wanted to keep the Security Force aspect of my collection, without it becoming overbearing.
I never really have had Shockwave on the beat, so to speak. But I think he's going to work the best for my team. At a rank of E-7, and I know that "rank" is very subjective for GIJOE, I think he's got that angle of squad leader going for him, too.
I would like to perhaps trade him in for the Night Force version, in order to blend more with the more olive-drab military colors that cover most of my other small teams figures, also the Night Force version will fit better in the wilds of an imaginary exotic battle zone somewhere around the world.
A little Joeverse background story that I might make up is a personal grudge that Shockwave has against the Headhunters. As a member of the DEF, and now the absence of these other figures in my collection, I wonder if I should make it where those DEF characters were killed in action? Only Shockwave remains?

Shockwave is seen with a Steel Brigade helmet on here, shooting from the back of the Humvee as part of my old Security Force.

My former class of 1988, 8 remain....
MOS: Special weapons and tactics SMOS: Choir
Here's a figure I got from a trade and not too long ago. I'm thinking 2008 into 2009 is about when I traded for this figure, really a still a fairly new-to-me item. I was using the v2 Sure Fire head on the v1 Sure Fire body as my Shockwave for many years. I still continued using my head-swapped-figure as Shockwave really up until it came down to me deciding which figures were going to be on my small GIJoe team. Since my usual Shockwave wasn't THE actual '92 DEF version (with dark hair), I went with the more unfamiliar-to-me, yet most original, 1988 figure.
A little Joeverse background story that I might make up is a personal grudge that Shockwave has against the Headhunters. As a member of the DEF, and now the absence of these other figures in my collection, I wonder if I should make it where those DEF characters were killed in action? Only Shockwave remains?

Shockwave is seen with a Steel Brigade helmet on here, shooting from the back of the Humvee as part of my old Security Force.

My former class of 1988, 8 remain....

Heavy Duty
MOS: Laser Weapons Systems Operator
SMOS: Indirect Fire Infantryman
Here's another figure that I do not remember where exactly I acquired it. I'm guessing: possibly an online store, or ebay.
My first Heavy Duty figure, however, was the one that came with the GIJoe Vs. Cobra Brawler. That's the original "new sculpt" with the T-crotch formula style figure. I didn't care for that figure almost right off the bat (but I liked it much more than THIS Destro!!).
It seems like to me when the theme of GIJoe Vs. Cobra started up, that Heavy Duty essentially replaced Roadblock for the toy line up. It seems like up until GIJOE: Renegades that Heavy Duty replaced Roadblock, too, even taking a star spot in the GIJOE: Rise of Cobra movie. (and there's some place else that could tell you more about how the trademark of Roadblock, and how Double Blast even replaced Roadblock...., I don't know much about that!)
But, it's all good, but I must have brought in Heavy Duty into my collection around late 2004 to mid-2005. He's the heavy ordnance trooper to me, but he can hold a mini-gun just like the RoC Heavy Duty:
Heavy Duty's "man portable weapon system" is one of the reasons that I chose this figure over many other heavy weapons specialists. That ordnance rig has the mini-gun, big dual cannons, and two rocket pods!!! (fun fact, those are the same rocket pods and rockets that were on the Sonic Fighter AH-74 Desert Apache!) Heavy Duty also beat out Salvo, Fast draw, Bazooka (B.C), and Zap ('91) to name a few. On top of coming with the heavy weapons rig, the figure is really light on the piled on armor and ammunition, and this helps this Heavy Duty figure have more potential versatility in my view.
I see this "heavy ordnance trooper" being able to pick up anything that I guess would be considered "heavy."
Or jumping on the Whirlwind.
I guess in summary, Heavy Duty is playing the anti-armor role with his heavy weapons expertise for my small team.
Funny...., grab RoC Heavy Duty before he sells out?
ord·nance (ôrd

1. Military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment.
2. The branch of an armed force that procures, maintains, and issues weapons, ammunition, and combat vehicles.
3. Cannon; artillery.
Cobra Viper Pit
I mean, Vipers..., in blue..., in one big pack! After not acquiring previous army-builder packs, I pre-ordered the Viper Pit set online. And to ensure a nice squad of a dozen, I ordered two! I thought this was perfect, I only had one original 1986 Viper at that time, and I really didn't want to spend $20 or more for a single figure to army build for Cobra.
Heck, back in the day, this was my "Viper:"
The 2006 Viper Pit was, well, perfect. Until the realization that the B.A.T. ('86) legs were only "fixed" at the upper leg. The B.A.T. waist and legs still remained. But, that wasn't the worst part for me. For starters, the "Ambush" rifles and other armaments just had to go, as well as the little sub-machine guns. The "S.A.W.'s" weren't too bad.
But the articulation, the way it all fit together, really brought what should have been a great set down to an "all right" set. The same problems that were present in the 2002 GIJOE versus Cobra "green" Viper were still there, even though the thigh was, as I remember reading, "specially re-tooled" for the set. So, I don't like to sound negative, but this set could have been stellar.
On the positive side, the gloves were painted black and some silver detail was added to the new Vipers, as well as the goggles getting some "transparent" paint applied. And you know, the blue is really nice, too. As you can see they are very close, but still distinct so originals really retain their distinctiveness.
As far as the articulation that I didn't care for, well, it's an easy fix. Another collector had posted a photo that illustrated spots to trim online, but I can't find it now. I kind of went figure-by-figure, and removed little-by-little as I went. I did go a little too far in material removal on some, resulting in looser-than-I-desired spots. But still, should "fixing" or having to modify a brand new product to make that product "good," or "better," be expected of GIJoe fans?
Replacing the accessories was easy, mostly thanks to Marauder Gun Runners, inc., of course. Can you guess which is my favorite Marauder rifle for my Vipers? (Yes, I am original :P ) I just got some new "customized" rifles, too. I think the sniper and suppressive fire customs are my favorites.
All-in-all, this was really one of my most hoped-for multi-packs when it all comes down to it. The only thing better that would beat a straight pack of re-issued '86 Vipers for me was a pack of each specialty Viper over the years to be released in a standard Cobra blue coloration.
While the end-product disappointed me with the Viper Pit on many points, on the positive side, I have my squad of Vipers to tangle with the GIJoe team.
(My Vipers aren't used as cannon fodder, either.)
Hi, guys!
Check out GeneralsJoes.com review for more on this set.
Hawk, GIJoe Commander
MOS: Artillery SMOS: Radar
This is one of my very earliest figures that I ever had, and often used alongside Low-light (1986) and Sci-fi (1986). Below on the left is my original Hawk figure and on the right is my newer Hawk figure that will be the "commander" of my small GIJoe team.
As the years went on and I got more figures, Hawk still remained the head honcho of the GIJoe team for me, but the character (and whatever figure I was using) seemed to become more of a desk-jockey of sorts. And this happened with Cobra Commander as a character for me, too, where each of the top leaders were almost sitting on their command chairs, barking out orders.
Part of my reasoning for going to my "small team" collection was to get my imagination back in gear, and get Hawk back out in action again.
Interesting how Duke was seemingly the commander of the cartoon team until this 1986 Hawk came out, and the character made his way into the cartoon at that time. But, really unknown to me until 1991/'92, Hawk was the field commander in the comics.
Back in the day, I had Hawk and Serpentor. My Best bud had Beachhead and eventually 1988 Destro as his commanders. (Neither of us ever had Duke.)
Over the years, I have had the 1991 Talking Battle commander, the "jet pack" Hawk, and the 1997 Hawk that came with the A-10 (the figure quality just isn't there on those 1997 figures, in my opinion). The 2000 "TomaHAWK" had that sandy blonde hair that really combined the cartoon and comic characters together, and this was THE Hawk that was usually barking out orders from the HQ. I also bought the GIJoe vs. Cobra version, but that was due to me wanting Headman. (and for some reason I ended up with 2 of these Headman's, and I'm not sure why.)
From here on out, though, it is Hawk (1986), leading from the front...
Ready for Action!
JMM's Comics home page has a great write up on Hawk here!
Rock & Roll
Rock & Roll E6
MOS: Infantry SMOS: PT Instructor
(Specialized education: Covert Ops)
I bought this very Rock & Roll figure back in the day at the old Children's Palace in Duluth. I didn't get up to that store as often as I would have liked to, but this figure only cost me $2.79. That's right, with tax a figure like Rock & Roll, a standard single figure pack came to exactly $3.00.
It was probably late 1991 at the earliest that I bought this 1989 figure, but it could have even been halfway into 1992, as well. I tell ya, though, that Children's Palace store had a great selection of GIJOE figures from all years at that time. No matter exactly when I bought it, this is a figure that has been with me for awhile now. (I recall liking how his camo pattern on his pants was sort of similar to my 1986 Hawk's pattern, in a slight way.)
I've really enjoyed having this figure over the years. Often Rock & Roll was in the mix of figures, not exactly as a "gatling gunner," either. As a figure, it is pretty straight forward in design. And it is those fairly basic features that really make this figure stand out as one figure I could almost call a favorite simply because, for no real exact reason.
Some figures, like Fast Draw ('87), are dressed to operate their gear. Like Zap ('91), for instance, has the leg armor and chest shells as part of the figure mold. However, Rock & Roll comes with some fairly large gear, but it is all removable, leaving, well..., Rock & Roll. The big ammo and other elements that adorn some figures doesn't "stick out" on this figure.
That puts Rock & Roll into the "versatile" figure category for me, and this works well for my small team.
Rock & Roll is not only a 1989 figure here, but also an "original 13" character, so the figure represents in my collection that "origin" angle of the first characters, but also fills in the range of years present in my small collection. 1988 and 1991 had surprisingly high top picks for my small team, and in between '89 and '90 fill the gap of those years to sort of represent personal "best of" through the years presence. (if that at all makes sense?)
In taking a look at this figure now, and reading through his file cards, I see Rock & Roll became an E9 rank with his sonic fighter figure. I'm going to keep him at his E6 rank, but with that sonic fighter version, I'm wondering now if I should consider the weapon qualification of "sharpshooter" for my figure?
Consider taking a look at JMM's comic home page on Rock & Roll!
My former class of 1989, all that is left is four now...

Snake Eyes
The 1989 Snake eyes was my first Snake Eyes. I'm 99% sure I bought it at the old hardware store, "Bobs," back in the old old-town. (This was in Michigan where $.10 can deposits could be reclaimed quickly around the local taverns in the mornings, or even just along the road!)
Snake Eyes really could have been any figure/ character to me at that time. All I had to "officially" go on was my memory of the old cartoon re-runs, but Snake Eyes wasn't featured as hugely at that time as it seems he is now. It is most likely that the cartoon reruns were showing the old GIJOE: the movie still at this time, and Snake Eyes didn't stand out to me in that film.
I even remember thinking to myself, questioning whether or not Snake Eyes could talk. I mean, all I had to go on was Snake Eyes file card at that time. I most likely had my 1988 Storm Shadow at that time, too, and having him mentioned in the file card likely sparked some imagination. (This could also be why I have really considered Storm Shadow to be "good" all these years....) I also really wished to be able to get that 1989 Snake Eyes to be able to take those two big knives off the front of his chest to get into battle with, which actually happened years later with another version of that figure.
For my small team, I also considered using my 1991 Snake Eyes (which as my 50th GIJOE figure ever) instead of the more modern bash of the parts that I did choose. I still went with what I did though for the fact that there were more details painted on the modern vest, and then the vest looks layered on top of that. Where with the 1991 figure, it was simply just all gray, but it was a close decision as I think this figure is still pretty good!
For characterization, my Snake Eyes is a commando. I would think [my] Hawk, an original member of the GIJOE (arah) team, would want one of his best soldiers from that team with him on his new adventures, too.
MOS: Infantry Heavy Weapons
SMOS: Cook
My first Roadblock was given to me by my old best bud from way back. Consider our ages, the 1984 Roadblock he gave me was probably one of his very first GIJOE figures. It was well used by the time I got it, too. The backpack peg was snapped off, the machine gun barrel long-snapped off, the tripod lost to who knows where, and the usual figure wear that comes from play. I also later added to the wear when I was putting this Roadblock figure on a vehicle's figure peg and a huge chunk of heel splintered off.
It wasn't until the "Double Blast" Roadblock was out that I essentially "retired" the old 1984 Roadblock figure. With Double Blast, well, THAT is Roadblock to me. I liked the TRU Night Force Roadblock, too, but I didn't like that they essentially replaced skin with the fabric of a shirt. Either way, all the swivel-head-jointed figures were traded out of my collection.
I was happy with the only Roadblock to remain, the Anti-venom Task Force Roadblock. This re-do of the 1992 figure has been THE go-to figure for not only being the famous Roadblock character, but being a really nice figure in itself. (and coming with the original machine gun!)
With my small team, I had to choose which figures I would be happiest with being limited to. This was one figure that was always in my top pick piles. Plus, it is Roadblock. This is a character that is darn-near just as famous to me as Beachhead, Tunnel rat, and close to closing in on Snake Eyes level.
GIJOE Renegades really added to my own characterization of Roadblock, too.
That is my best buds original 1984 helmet on the figure. I was very happy that it fit, as the original 1984 figure that it came with has since gone into the realm of parts donor. I think it is a nice way to remember my old best bud, as well as give the figure some real sense of age in this "older" version of a popular character.
Choosing Roadblock was very easy, too. But there was one little issue that I had to take into account: Roadblock vs. Rock & Roll vs. Repeater.
Essentially three GIJOE machine gunners. I chose to keep them all. But, I gotta wonder if I missed out on keeping another figure that would add more talent to my team by doing this?
Which would you choose if you could only keep one of the three?
Lt. Falcon
Lt. Falcon
MOS: Infantry
SMOS: Medic
WAAAAY back in the day, there was a summer when a friend in the old town brought Falcon home, and I was SO wanting that figure! Falcon was one of the more "army looking" Joes I had seen up to that point. I had a good amount of figures, but Low-light was probably the most military looking of them all. But something about the all green camo on Falcon made him all the more appealing to me. The rather awesome backpack with the sweet knife and antenna really upped the appeal to me, as well.
Of course that friend didn't want to trade.
One comment that I remember another friend making back in the day was that Falcon was just a rip-off of Flint. I can see that, being a figure with a beret and a shotgun. But also at that time, even into 1988 (maybe even 1989...) it seemed like GIJOE cartoon reruns were still going on TV. So we all probably still had Flint fresh in our minds, as well as that 1987 GIJOE the movie.
I do have Falcon now, though. And I can't remember where I got him. I'm really guessing I bought this guy from an online store, and I'm guessing sometime in 2004 was when I bought him.
With my small team of GIJOE figures, the aspect of rank became a sort of criteria that I considered. Up until a early 2011, I had a whole bunch of officer rank Joes. There were other Joes that were also considered to be a part of my small team, but when it came to a toss-up of indecision, I didn't want to be too officer-heavy on my 28-man team.
This is my old command staff:
Major Storm and Bulletproof were often used figures (and missed...), as were many, and Capt. Grid-iron was even fairly close to making it to my 28-man teams officer slots.
When it came down to it, Hawk was going to stay (an original character/ figure from my original playing days). Hawk is my GIJOE commander, even though in my ARAH-Joeverse he comes in at an impressive O-8 Major General rank! That's high, and realistically no officer would likely be hanging out with my small 28-man team in the field, but this where my imagination is trumping any resemblance of reality.
With the small team of 28, I started to think about how my team would divide down, and essentially it came to two-13-man teams led by 2 officers, and then from there I could make one enlisted "leader" in each 13-man group. And then two more enlisted NCO-type roles if I wanted to divide the 13-man team into two-6-man teams. And no doubt this is confusing to you, the leader....
Anyway, through my over-analyzing, I was thinking about the "first sgt." role, or essentially what Duke would have been. He's not an officer in my ARAH-Joeverse, he is an E-8. But, I didn't want any one "top kick" to overshadow the other, I guess, senior enlisted Joes. (Like Beachhead or Stalker)
So considering all that, I felt like I only needed one officer to "top-off" my two-13-man squads. So with those 26 enlisted Joe operators, and with Hawk as the head honcho, I needed essentially an executive officer as I saw it. (A Riker to my Picard (Hawk)?)
Essentially that left Falcon for me. An officer, but not ranked overly high in the stratosphere.

Falcon is a good looking figure and as a character he still feels like a somewhat of a blank-slate to me.
I will say that as much as his shotgun looks good, I really prefer Muskrat's shotgun when it comes to playing.
There's always other options, though. However, I like a little stock to help "straighten" out the weapon being held.
Other than Capt. Grid-iron or Duke, I think Falcon will work out great in my small 28-man team. Not only as the X.O., but also as an important addition to the team as a Green Beret!
Falcon's class of 1987:
MOS: Infantry
SMOS: Medic
WAAAAY back in the day, there was a summer when a friend in the old town brought Falcon home, and I was SO wanting that figure! Falcon was one of the more "army looking" Joes I had seen up to that point. I had a good amount of figures, but Low-light was probably the most military looking of them all. But something about the all green camo on Falcon made him all the more appealing to me. The rather awesome backpack with the sweet knife and antenna really upped the appeal to me, as well.
Of course that friend didn't want to trade.
One comment that I remember another friend making back in the day was that Falcon was just a rip-off of Flint. I can see that, being a figure with a beret and a shotgun. But also at that time, even into 1988 (maybe even 1989...) it seemed like GIJOE cartoon reruns were still going on TV. So we all probably still had Flint fresh in our minds, as well as that 1987 GIJOE the movie.
With my small team of GIJOE figures, the aspect of rank became a sort of criteria that I considered. Up until a early 2011, I had a whole bunch of officer rank Joes. There were other Joes that were also considered to be a part of my small team, but when it came to a toss-up of indecision, I didn't want to be too officer-heavy on my 28-man team.
This is my old command staff:

When it came down to it, Hawk was going to stay (an original character/ figure from my original playing days). Hawk is my GIJOE commander, even though in my ARAH-Joeverse he comes in at an impressive O-8 Major General rank! That's high, and realistically no officer would likely be hanging out with my small 28-man team in the field, but this where my imagination is trumping any resemblance of reality.
With the small team of 28, I started to think about how my team would divide down, and essentially it came to two-13-man teams led by 2 officers, and then from there I could make one enlisted "leader" in each 13-man group. And then two more enlisted NCO-type roles if I wanted to divide the 13-man team into two-6-man teams. And no doubt this is confusing to you, the leader....
Anyway, through my over-analyzing, I was thinking about the "first sgt." role, or essentially what Duke would have been. He's not an officer in my ARAH-Joeverse, he is an E-8. But, I didn't want any one "top kick" to overshadow the other, I guess, senior enlisted Joes. (Like Beachhead or Stalker)
So considering all that, I felt like I only needed one officer to "top-off" my two-13-man squads. So with those 26 enlisted Joe operators, and with Hawk as the head honcho, I needed essentially an executive officer as I saw it. (A Riker to my Picard (Hawk)?)
Essentially that left Falcon for me. An officer, but not ranked overly high in the stratosphere.
Falcon is a good looking figure and as a character he still feels like a somewhat of a blank-slate to me.
Falcon's class of 1987:

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