I was going to see which figures had the same colors of red, tan, and green as Lift Ticket does. I was going to see if there was a hidden "Tomahawk force," of sorts, where all these guys really matched as a group over the years. Dial tone '86 and Beachhead '86 should be in here, too.
Either way, another time.
I was thinking about Lift Ticket, though. With my "60" figure team, well, one member of the team is Lift Ticket. I figured that I need him, as he is the Tomahawk pilot originally and since I'm running the Tomahawk as the main mover of my team it would just make sense to have this guy as a pilot.
But, do I need Lift Ticket simply if I have a Tomahawk?
I have Updraft, Dogfight, and Wild Bill on hand, and I think all three of these guys are just as well-suited to the piloting task. I also have Flint on hand, and he can do the job, too. And if I stretch the imagination, I could probably get any Sky Patrol members to at least be the copilots.
Aside from being a pilot, Lift Ticket doesn't feel like he might as versatile of a figure to have in play in the collection. Even just as a figure, Lift Ticket has pretty much been seat-warming in the Tomahawk almost non-stop. I'm wondering, would it be better to send Lift-Ticket on his way and bring in another Joe, especially if this figure is just going to be sitting in chair until my collection turns to dust?
What else is there about the Lift Ticket figure that gives him more versatility other than a "just" a pilot?