Remember that I am a 3.75" O-ring-style collector, and with that in mind, in my (I guess) GIJOE years back in the day, the only real matching uniforms were from the 1982/83 series.
In some ways, 1982 and 1983 were just before my time. Thinking that aside from Wild Bill ('83) and Cobra Trooper ('83) are the only figures that I can recall having from these first two years at all.
And I most likely got those more in 1984.
So, really, the "green team" that we all call the "original 13," or something to that effect, really only existed in the old catalog inserts or on the back of an old figure card.
Those were really the only GIJOE guys that "matched" somewhat in their uniforms.
Cutter and Flint were more the characters I got right away. The guys with more unique outfits. the non-traditional dress, if you will.
In my more current GIJOE hobby manipulation, I'm questioning myself on the role of matching uniforms in my future collection. Should GIJOE figures/ team members have matching uniforms?
"Sub Teams" are another good example of what I'm talking about. Technically, these are re-issued figures repainted with an overall theme. Back in 2009 I decided to do away with "sub teams" in my Joe verse. This included repainted figures from "sub teams" like Python Patrol and Tiger Force being dismissed from collection. The only exception to this, was if a character was more a unique character that only appeared in a "sub team" form. Bullet proof and Skystriker are examples of GIJOE guys that were only in the "sub team" format.
Part of my reasoning for dismissing these were that it seemed like a whole other force or mission on top of a force. I guess I only thought I needed one GIJOE team, and not separate teams within it.
However, I have come to a point where I do have some more recent RAHC-era GIJOE figures that are giving me some tough decisions. Like the modern Night Force set.
And each has things I like about each version. The originals have their original stuff, but with the modern stuff I can sort of customize what accessories they have. And the newer stuff has the softer plastic.
On the original side, the have original uniform style and colors and what not. Original.
So, I guess my current plan is evaluating whether or not to have a few matching figures in my collection. Which isn't a horrible thing at all, really I'm just nitpicking. :) But when someone not in the know on Joe looks at what I have, why are some figures matching? Are they a special group in the mix?
Do the Night Force guys put on their matching uniforms at night, and have day clothes in the meantime? Sounds a little funny maybe?
What do you think about matching uniforms on a non-traditional mobile strike force?
Maybe you only kept the "sub team" figures over the originals?