Gung Ho is a Joe that is right up there on the top end of popularity in my opinion. I'm sure it was that old cartoon that helped sell me on this guy over the years, too. However, it wasn't until the 1993 version made its way out that I was able to add this fairly famous character to my collection.
Below is my first Gung Ho EVER. As I look at him even now, he still seems like a newer figure in some ways. And he has ONE BIG GUN.
I did get the Slugger from 1997 that came with the original mold of Gung Ho, but I preferred the 1993 version so much more that I didn't even open that figure and did sell it off in the end.
Below are the Gung Ho's I have left in my collection. I've been considering trimming figures out of my collection, and this is a good example of where this might be easy. But, maybe not. Three are the same, really.
I like the 1993 version but the "official" chest tattoo is just not where it "should be." The 2001 version really brings in a nice Marine look to the figure with those colors. However, he does look a little pale, doesn't he? Of course, the next figure in is the same mold as well, however, on that desert patrol version I am not a big fan of the camo pattern on the pants. Should a guy switch the pants around and keep the desert patrol Gung Ho "top" with 2001 pants?
Below is my first Gung Ho EVER. As I look at him even now, he still seems like a newer figure in some ways. And he has ONE BIG GUN.
Below are the Gung Ho's I have left in my collection. I've been considering trimming figures out of my collection, and this is a good example of where this might be easy. But, maybe not. Three are the same, really.
I'm leaning toward liking the 2005 convention Gung Ho the most right now, though. It's an original design, and the rain-pattern camo is kind of nice. Does this Mega Marine version really capture a character that (in comics) was running around in the snow with an open shirt? Or a character that did have a cover, but now would he wear a helmet?
I like the weapons that came with the convention figure, there's something where a grenade launcher and Gung Ho just fit together. Maybe it's just from looking at pictures of the version 1 figure for so many years? However, instead of the classic Range Viper grenade launcher, I think that the Marauder, Inc. launcher fits Gung Ho even better here.
Which figure is your main Gung Ho? Is Gung Ho a big part of your Joe-verse?