About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.


spaces for play, what's the mission?

All day off with only a little bit of organizing/ sorting planned.  Today would be about that perfect day for busting out my rather small collection to set up.  So far, I just don't feel like it, but that may change, there's still a lot of day left!

As much as I've strayed from the "big" sizes of vehicles, as well as bases, in some ways I still would like to have that big space kind of set up for, well..., setting stuff up.   It's like at one time, I was considering setting up my old '83 HQ on a very large board, or series of boards, in a manner similar to a model train layout.   Getting the HQ laid out on the board was easy, but then it came to thinking about situating it for a fun, usable position.

The '83 HQ almost seems like a two-person play set, a very GIJOE vs COBRA thing.  It's not a mobile attack base, more of a defensible station.   So, setting this arrangement up, I was a  person behind the HQ defending against a Cobra attack, or being the Cobra attacker.  Being both was going to be harder, since I would almost have to have the large board set up so I could turn it around or at the very least access it from all sides.

I considered adding in my former checkpoint alpha and the LAW, and I definitely wanted enough space around the edges to drive my largest vehicles (at the time, Night Rhino and Equalizer) around from the back to go out on missions or on the offensive.   (in addition, I was thinking I wanted/ needed to get all those tow-ables back that fit on the HQ's elevator!)

I also wanted some space on the back side so I could have the landing pad in the back, with the big twin Air Defense Defense turret nearby, as well as ammo and fuel stockpiles.

All of this was going to be on some model train style turf.   And the thought of a runway for the X-30 started creeping into the plans a little, too.

It would have been a sizable layout, as well as being away from the wall so I could around it, the whole thing would have really taken up some space if all the ideas were put into action.  

You guessed right if you said it never happened, though.   I abandoned that home base layout in favor of a rather usable small, truly mobile sized collection.

Like right now, it's almost like, where do I mobilize my force to today?   Heck yeah, lets load up the Tomahawk and Retaliator and drop the AWE Striker and Desert Fox......., somewhere.  

 I guess I need a mission objective.   Perhaps instead of attempting a mission to nowhere, I should focus on Cobra today?    I mean, for the most part, that is the big reason why I have a GIJoe force at all, stop Cobra, more or less.

Maybe, although I'm focusing on a small GIJoe team, maybe I need to think a little bigger for Cobra?  While my independent mobile strike force operates on slim lines, maybe Cobra should have a large nest? 

Maybe a Terrordrome?  Or, at least a base of some kind?  I suppose Cobra Commander could just as well be mobile and all like the 'Joes, but maybe that one big launch point of Cobras evil plans is needed?

Now that I'm writing out some thoughts on it, I start to think of how I liked the GIJOE: RENEGADES take on Cobra as a more or less legit company.   I liked that angle, and maybe that could be my own Cobra's thing, too.  Maybe with my Cobra, the ARBCO or Extensive Enterprises front companies are the unprovable network through which all the bad plans are moving?  Cobra could be a legit security force for them?  

Maybe a Terrordrome should be something I should consider?  Maybe Cobra is powerful enough where only a small, truly covert team can do anything without controversy against such a hidden and undefined enemy?   With the Terrordrome being the ultimate location to battle to, to discover and foil sinister plans?

Does this make sense?  :p

And it brings me back to the original mission space question, where am I going?