I am not a big Cobra-La fan. Back in the day when the old cartoon was in re-runs it seemed like the multi-part G.I.Joe: the movie kept repeating when I wanted to see just about any other episode.
One of those things I wouldn't mind seeing is something along the lines of a return to Cobra-La. I would like to see something original here and something that could tie-in an old "explanation" for the existence of Cobra-La that I had. In this made-up background for Cobra-La, I had Cobra-La originating from an early, large, and secret Cobra project that few in Cobra's organization would even remember. Almost like that almost typical "something went wrong" plot and it was all shut down and buried....., but little did they know what survived... (cue creepy music and camera movement along dark abandoned hallways.....)
So longer story short, Cobra-La would be discovered as a creation by those survivors and the history of it made up by the time of G.I.Joe: the movie. In my case of an imaginary what-if, Cobra Commander may have been telling the truth in that it is all lies.
The surviving Cobra-La hierarchy, such as Golobulus and Nemesis Enforcer, very much human looking, may have continued genetically-manipulated...everything... and even on themselves for survival needs, but the mental distortion of this might have created a made-up billions-of-years history. Perhaps the Royal Guards were formerly humans who needed more to believe in than just being some kind of plant-based beings?
Perhaps the spores were originally an early Cobra idea, but abandoned due to being hard to control?
The end of the movie saw the destruction of Cobra-La under that ice dome. That was sort of that, except for getting Cobra Commander from snake back to human.
The 1991 Impel card set made mention of the destruction of Cobra-La on the Honor Roll cards.
These cards consider the deaths of characters from the Marvel comic, too.
The mention of those lost under the Cobra-La ice dome just leaves too much open ended and could be a return point. After all, Firefly was dead, in the comic and on the card set, but ultimately did return. Dr. Mindbender, too.
So what would a return of Cobra-La or return to Cobra-La look like?
Would Cobra seek to retrieve something that was under the ice dome, perhaps in deeper levels not seen in G.I.Joe: the movie? Perhaps Serpentor survived and more focused and deadly things have now evolved and are starting to creep out of the ice dome?
Maybe a good time for the Mega Marines to be dropped into that remote location by a Star Brigade shuttle?
What do you think?
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