About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.


Comics. Marvel.

I was reading Marvel Special Missions last night. (I got called off of work, ... again. Poor paycheck...)

It's been awhile since I read through these, a few years. I think they're a lot of fun to read.

I'm not a comic book collector. However, since GIJOE 119, I was hooked. And go figure, it wasn't a Hama-written issue. Re-reading it now, I don't know if I buy into advanced robotics that can move that well...., I mean, a Snake eyes robot that can pretty much match the real Snake eyes one-on-one? But, still....

Marvel GIJOE 119 was my first GIJOE comic book, and I shortly after found a bundled four pack of GIJOE comics that included 92, 93. The other two I can't remember which they were.

No matter, that was essentially the start for me with GIJoe comics.

I must have picked up a couple more issues after 119 from the stores, but it must not have been until issue 130 that I started getting a subscription. (130, Cobra actually, finally, invades the PIT)

Issues 130 to 155 were kind of my solid range of GIJOE comic book stories. This is probably the range of comics where most fans seem to have "been out of Joe," or simply thought the book was going down hill before these even, and they simply bailed.

During these same years that I had the subscription, I discovered a local shop had a decent collection of back-issues in it. Of course, I was always stopping in spending a few dollars to pick up a couple/ few back-issues.

I jumped into Guy Gardner and Spiderman 2099 about this time, too. I think the old comic book trick of "issue #1" worked. (my early collector mentality...)

Also, but mostly due to the GIJOE comic book, I got the subscription to the 12-issue Transformers: Generation 2 series.

I still haven't completed my Marvel run collection. I'm not a comic collector, but I would like to have the complete series, but what's the hurry? I think I'm still about 25-some issues short between all the old Marvel issues.

I don't think I can pick out a favorite story overall, but after reading those Special Missions, there sure were a lot of "other" bad guys and whatnot that the Joes ran into out there!

I dipped into Devils Due right off the bat, and before the comic got in my hands, many of us were chatting on the Devils Due forums. I think overall, I didn't find the Devils Due comics as re-readable. I didn't "hate," so don't think that, but, at the end of the "America's Elite," I started re-reading from the beginning. I just didn't feel it, being that I am not a comic collector, I traded all these out.

I haven't even looked at the latest comics. It's kind of an "anti-accumulative" phase I'm going through right now in life. I really do not want a large pile of stuff that I will have to maintain, organize, and move. (as a renter, moving is a for-sure thing, and job prospects are not solid for me either...)