About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.


Iron Grenadiers pt.3

I totally dug the Iron Grenadier when it came out, and if you remember I dug it so much I bought a 2nd one. As a young kid, that's something that didn't happen for me much. It didn't stop with 1988 for the Iron Grenadiers, they had releases in 1989 and 1990.

Continued from part 2, since my original 1988 Iron Grenadier force of two Iron Grenadier troopers, I've slowly but surely been adding I.G. troops to my ranks as you've seen so far.

On the "new" front back in the day, it started with the T.A.R.G.A.T., and this figure became the rocket man of the bad forces. Heck, his backpack alone was fun enough to become its own little space ship. Over the years I've added 2 more "used" TARGATs to my ranks. I'll be straight, since getting more straight-line troops I haven't really used TARGATs much. They get Destro into space, actually becoming a part of the Star Brigade line up for Cobra. I did buy those but never opened them. In the end, Destro has troops in space....that don't even need a shuttle! That's efficiency. Where in 1988, the black, gold, and red played a part in visually connecting the Iron Grenadiers a little, 1989 really broke away with TARGATs black, BLUE, and red. Had the blue on these guys been all gold, I wonder how that would have affected their popularity?

Sometime in my younger days, I found a rather beat-up, missing everything but wheels, Awe striker ('85). That darn cartoon made me want that thing quite a bit, but in played-out form as I had it, it wasn't very fun. I think I traded it to another kid in town for an Evader (but this is where my memory starts to fuzz out, as I think I got a fairly stripped HAVOC around this time, too...). Either way, not the Evader pictured, though. I've actually had 3 Evaders total, and was on the path to "army building" them. The Evader is a neat little cycle, bizarre as it is.
I think Darklon might have came along in trade with the Evader, once again, memory isn't what it used to be. And Either way, that is the actual Darklon, whomever I got it from. I got trade help online to get the gun, and well....here's Darklon! He's Destro's Cousin. I've played this part, as Darklon is really a figure that seems to have gotten thrown in a fodder bin, and heck, even blown up in the Marvel comics. I like the guy well enough. Yet another move away from traditional 1988 Iron grenadier colors, but something about the figure says this guy is a little younger than Destro and not as well to do. Essentially a merc with his own small forces at one point.
The Annihilator also had one figure join my ranks early on back in the day. The helicopter backpack was already broke by the time it got traded over to me. After we moved back around 1991, I found myself in civilization! I think the first figure in the new place was an Annihilator...$2.89! With tax it was $3....man I miss Childrens Palace. This guy kind of puzzled me, where he is Destro's elite trooper, but, the Iron Grenadier is Destro's elite trooper, too. What I get from the file card that these are simply Iron Grenadiers with airborne assault training. What do you think? I've placed Annihilators in a few roles, even so far as comparing them to the Crimson Guard...., but then again, isn't a normal Iron Grenadier just as elite as a Crimson Guard?
On the Annihilators, I've often wondered why with twin holsters, there are no guns included? The TARGAT figures have this, too. Either way, I totally dig the I.G. gold buckle they have, further helping me place Destro as his own force.
And into 1990! 1990 is becoming a favorite year for me lately, there was just such a large amount of gear for figures, and really, there isn't that much in loud neon colors :) .
So, here's Metal Head, here's a guy I bought in 1991, and I'm glad I had a second figure of him that I picked up from who knows where to fix all the broken pegs! So, parts of this figure are my original Metal Head. I really liked this guy and he got a lot of use. A walking missile-slinger.
Then there's that Undertow, (not sure if I want to build water troops, so much right now...) which I've only had for a couple years really, so a new-to-me figure, but one that really adds dimension for the Iron Grenadiers. Destro goes from the sea, land, air, and space!

In the vehicle department, I've only got the 1989 Evader. I've seen the Razorback in person once, and actually know about where that one is in a guys attic right now...but he's hanging on to it. (drat) I had the GvC Dominator with that Destro who didn't look comfortable. It wasn't a bad vehicle, but, my (so-called) grown up imagination wasn't feeling a flying tank. It didn't seem light enough to fly with the heavy tracks, and then didn't have much "tank" feel on the ground. Neat as it was, it was a vehicle I axed out on my first motor pool reduction.

So, in summary, my Iron Grenadier forces have been growing slowly but surely.
Starting with the 2 1988 Iron Grenadiers,
Adding a TARGAT, an Annihilator, Darklon, and Destro...
Joined by another Annihilator, and Metal head...and then others...
The Iron Grenadiers have grown strong....

2005 gave a pretty big boost with the GIJOE convention for my Iron Grenadiers, but I'll take a look at that next!