About HQ icebreaker

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This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.


Cobra army stuff from the file cards.

Cobra ranking

One of the nameless, faceless legions of COBRA Command.  grade e-4 or equivalent

COBRA Officers are front-line fighters who lead COBRA attack units into battle. Many are also believed to be operating as spies at defense plants, nuclear power facilities, etc.  grade o-4 or equivlent

COBRA H.I.S.S drivers are selected from the best and most evil of COBRA Command's thousands of yearly recuits
H.I.S.S. drivers are graduates of: COBRA Battle School, Advanced Weapons Systems Training. Qualified Experts: H.I.S.S. Vehicle, F.A.N.G. Copter, knowledge of all NATO and G.I. Joe weapons.
Grade o-5

Viper glider pilot (same as Cobra)

Stinger driver  (same as Officer)  o-4

Night Vulture
Covert insertion and recon specialists of the Cobra Legions.  No training, if they make it back they get the Night Vulture badge.  Sky Creeper originated the Night Vultures and commands this unit
Air Devils, air commandos of the Cobra legions

RTOs  of the COBRA ground forces.  Mentions gear compliment on file card.

The bottom of the pyramid, highly motivated, superbly trained and formidably equipped.  From Sonic Viper:  the grunts of the Cobra Legions,  these guys are first in line for a dirty job

Ninja Vipers
recruited from the highest ranks of the Viper Corps

Frag Viper
grenade thrower, integral part of Cobra Viper fire team.

HEAT Viper
bazooka man, new generation of Cobra anti-tank specialist

SAW Viper
heavy machine gunner

Flak Viper
Cobra Anti-aircraft trooper,

Vehicle proficiency grade 6.  Flame weapon and arson specialists of the Cobra Legions

Laser Viper
primary function on the battlefield is "target illumination" for H.E.A.T. VIPERS and AERO-VIPERS

Range Viper
committed to long term operations deep in unfriendly territory, completely cut off from communications or supplies

Night Viper
night fighter, always in training, living in windowless barracks with no lights

Rock Viper
graduation program on Mesa eliminates 50%

 Motor viper
mentions the motor viper corps, cobra recon and perimeter defense forces  paid no better than ground vipers or sea vipers

Techno Viper
They work their way up from the ranks of Vipers, each one a qualified infantryman

Track Viper
Viper Corps and other troopers joke they are too clumsy or slow for infantry, large and muscular for retreading a tank

self-propelled artillery specialists of Cobra ground forces
doesn't have to think too hard, qualifications are carrying a bogey wheel in one hand and a shell in the other.

Desert Scorpions
punishment for under motivated Vipers, after one year of unblemished service as desert Scorpion can be reinstated in the Viper Corps or whatever special force he originated from.
Next lower step is the Toxo-Vipers.

"assignment" meted out.  Not something a Cobra "trooper" aspires to be.  "Leaky suit brigade"
Toxo Viper v2, better equipment, bad attitudes.

Sludge Viper
hazardous waste viper

final assignment in full term toxo-viper enlistment

Alley Viper
equivalent of SWAT or SAS, recruited from Cobras most diabolical combat divisions.  training program

Eels are the underwater demolitions specialists of the COBRA legions. They man and operate the COBRA marine outposts disguised as off-shore drilling rigs and augment the crews of larger COBRA naval vessels.
Eels undergo a rigorous two-part training program
Grade e-4 or equivalent
From snow serpent file card ... Eels are the elite of COBRA's naval branch

Sea slugs
Chosen from Eels
Sea Slug training focuses on Sea Ray, 3 parts of training, river sand port, deep ocean, arctic

are qualified EELS (Cobra Frogmen) who volunteer to be surgically altered (underwater elite trooper)

elite of the cobra sea arm
primary mos hydrofoil pilot
secondary mos Cobra EEL
o-3 equivalent
A cobra trooper who completed eel training and operational as eel for over one year

Sonic Lamprey
amphibious assault troopers

Dedicated unit to patrol Cobra island shoreline.  Amphibious operations and marine surveillance.

Cobra island is surrounded by beaches, the Hammerhead seemingly specifically designed for these types of areas.

Snow Serpents
Snow Serpents are the Arctic Specialist branch of the Eels.  same training program as  Eels with  addition of a six month cold weather course.
Snow Serpent v2
Vehicle Proficiency 7

Ice viper
mechanized branch of the snow serpents
additional training as techno-vipers

AVAC pilots are drawn from the Air Viper pool.

Aero Viper
intense weight lifting, no surgical enhancements

(single or trooper) does have shunts into optic nerves.

Strato viper
creme de la creme of pilots
Cobra recruits from best global pilots by doubling or tripling salaries to attract as air-vipers.
Strato viper qulifications: 1500 hours as air viper

Star Viper
qualified Strato Viper with further surgical enhancement

Astro Viper
Recruited from the ranks of Strato vipers

Gyro Viper

elite of the elite, fearless unit trained for perilous missions.

Crimson Guard
The Crimson Guard are the elite shock troops of the COBRA Legions. All "Siegies" must hold a degree in either law or accounting as well as being in top physical condition. Final stages of training take place in the deepest recesses of COBRA Headquarters and is purported to involve an initiation too hideous for description.
grade e-4 or equivalent

Crimson Guard Immortal
fanatical super soldiers, personal body guard to the head snake.

Crimson Guard Commander
Cobra commanders top officers, cobra elite officer