This picture is how my GIJOE team members from 1987 looked back in 2009. They still look the same a little less than a year later.
I've had the thought of how a "one-year-only" collection might look every once in awhile. It's kind of like how some fans might only collect up to certain years, or collect everything and anything. Or only HISS tanks, or only VAMP jeeps. I don't think I've seen anyone do a one single year only in the online world, or at least let it be known, or I've come across it.
What year would it be? Would it be split with one year Cobra, another different year GIJOE?
Either way, or any way, not important. Just a random thought.
On to 1987, GIJOE.
I think Tunnel Rat is the most re-occurring figure/ character that originates from this year. And he's had some changes here and there, but he's survived all the way to the newest "Renegades" cartoon. Would I be wrong in saying he's stayed fairly close to his original characterization? He was in Sigma Six, has 11 versions of the guy. This figure says army guy no matter how I look at it.
From there, Chuckles, Jinx, Lt. Falcon, and Outback seem to have made a good number of appearances since 1987, as well, in some form or another. Chuckles really got big in a comic-sense, and in my head, a very spy-like guy. He's the undercover cop in some ways, un-assuming, but tough-as-nails. I have Chuckles and Mace together in imaginary battles.
Jinx has popped up in various ways. I like Jinx, but a red ninja hasn't been a highly used MOS in my world lately...I've actually grown to using the Vypra '98 re-use in her place, to bring the ninja-ness to a more combative type of role.
Outback just hasn't seemed to be brought out as much as I thought he would as of late/ modern era: a survival expert and a figure that could just about fit anywhere for any battle. I put him in the mountains in my "squads" play-project, but here's a guy that could get huge with a little extra biography work and new take on the toy.
IF there was to be a generation 2 takeover after the GIJOE movie in 1987, DUKE would be dead and Lt. Falcon would be in his place now. I really think it. The team would have needed a first shirt and Falcon would have worked well. The figure is nice and simple, one I always wanted back in the day, especially when I saw another kid with one. A backpack with a radio and knife and a cool simple shotgun.
Psyche-out, Sneak Peak, Law, and Crazy Legs haven't really stood out as having much presence over the years, other than more brief appearances. They may have, but I just barely noticed them, mostly comic notations I suppose. Law is probably the strongest stand-out of the bunch, he's a guy that can be pretty useful. Crazy Legs is a nice figure, but all red doesn't appeal to me, this is a figure I would much rather have the NIGHT FORCE version of, same for Sneak Peek. Sneak Peek could really be a pretty good figure with better colors. As is, Sneak peek is a vehicle crew member/ field station kind of GIJOE. Psyche-out is great in his MOS but comes out a little too "sci-fi." Other than his "techie" appearances and uses in the comics, he doesn't add that much to the team; even though he does bring a lot of technical knowledge.
Aside from a missile-laden modern figure being re-used in online discussion, Fast Draw hasn't been apparent to me. He's kind of been on the very edge of the radar. He's a little too padded for casual use, sounds funny, but he's a walking weapon system. The guy doesn't feel versatile, and he's pretty much become a field station or vehicle crew member.
Really, off the radar from 1987 are Back Stop and Steam Roller. I suppose being vehicle drivers it makes sense. I don't have Hardtop or Payload here, but their vehicle's spotlight shines on them pretty good.
The Persuader is a vehicle I don't think I've seen much discussion of online, ever. I had the chance to buy one that I saw in person, but, I was just underwhelmed by it. Back Stop sort of goes that way, too. Not a particularly interesting guy, but I have been able to use him as an armor driver in my world. I like the upper body armor and helmet in that where most GIJOE vehicles have a lot of exposed seats and what-not, Back Stop works on these well. With the file card indicating a hockey background, the figure really looks it. I can imagine Back Stop jumping off a tank and taking the fight to an enemy hockey style.
Steam Roller is a tough looking character. One knife. Coming with the Mobile Command Center I would think he would stand out more, but, perhaps having non-rare Hard top-style accessories limits his depth. In my head, he almost seems like a tougher version of Cross Country. I've been able to use Steam Roller in a lot of vehicle situations, mostly armor. He comes in with iron, but this guy looks like a guy that would be more than willing to jump out and go hand-to-hand with a Dreadnok group.
Of course there are the trio Renegades from 1987, and Battle force 2000, I know that, but I was going more main-line when I was looking at individual years. HOWEVER, as I'm typing out thoughts, I realized that Rumbler was no where near my radar, much like his vehicle.