I was once an I.D. student...once a student... aarraaaaghg onccceee a stuuuudeenntt.. (get the Cobra Commander "once a man" thing...? maybe not.)
Anyway, for a presentation techniques class, we had a weekly hand rendering project where we essentially had to copy an existing rendering, usually out of a marker rendering textbook or something. I liked these in that it really got us to look closer at what went into these works and got us hands-on practice for something very few people did even 10 years ago.
I was passing through my current basement, and when we moved in here I had put a couple of the results of these projects on the wall. I thought I would try one for a background shot combined with this really odd piece of petrified wood in the foreground. Something to do, anyway.
I thought I'd put Recoil and Footloose into the scene. Here's two Joes that are really rather pretty good looking figures that don't get much internet play time that I see. With so many "core" characters coming out new and taking up the bulk of what are on the "front-shelves" that is to be expected, though.
Unless you're like me and still play with old stuff I really only fairly recently acquired.