Spring of 2023 revealed a new level of existence to this fan. There is no way to really explain it. It was both an external impact on this fan but also just as much an internal impact.
Sitting here in my new HQ's shell this morning I was wondering if I had taken a picture of some toy acquisitions I had made about March 19th/20th/ or so in 2023. It looks I had not done this, however. I may have snapped a picture but, things took a shift in life at about this time.
I was reminiscing again. here. And I think it's great to be able to look back at photos. There was a lot of fun stuff. I really enjoyed playing and creating and organizing.
So, I guess, that last purchase of G.I.Joe stuff, which was in a way just buying some of the old stuff I had started to trim down on back in 2010-2011 in way. It was kind of weird over 2023 and really great but also time to let something else in life crash, too.
It comes to cycles. Basically. I looked back at the March 2023 purchases I had made, and these were sitting on my table in my corner of the basement from the day I brought them into the house until the day I sent them out the door. It was over $100 of figures from a local store. And I guess as I grew a little in spring 2023 and grew some more in the summer of 2023, the dollar amount I put into those figures just seemed almost, well, not wasteful, but when that could be put in other places, if that makes sense.
And it's not like I wasn't paying all the bills and then some anyway for anything else in life. This was pure extra or surplus money when you think about it. And I wasn't living beyond my means at all. I never have.
I cleared even more recently, too.
Where my super small collection just got a little smaller.
But, now it is a tiny travel size collection.
It's interesting how much it has all changed.
I would like to have it all back and even my former HQ's shell. In fact, I want it back.
However, the opposition is entitled to half or more, without any accountability.
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- icebreaker
- This is a very random bunch of thoughts based from my collecting of GIJOE: A real American hero figures and vehicles. Contained here are memories, experiences, recent thoughts, completely random thoughts, and other random things on top of that. While one company has made, and makes, our shared interests, we all add into that interest with our own creativity. You, the reader, will find many, many, excellent sites among the links to see what other GIJoe fans are doing, hit them up! For GIJOE stuff that is more random in topic, you'll find it here.
Evolving G.I.Joe fan and the near end of a collection
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